Design and Fabrication of Automatic and …
Design and Fabrication of Automatic and Vending Machine. Suryakant D. Thakur1, Akshay B. 3Patel2, Nitin K. Tilekar, Akash B. Wagh4 ... follower based mechanism which is integrated with a vending mechanism which dispenses a token or a discount coupon in exchange of a can recycled using the ...
Design And Fabrication of Sugarcane Juice Extractor
This work involves the design, fabrication and performance evaluation of sugarcane ... The conventional crusher has three rollers whereas the modified crusher has two rollers for the crushing of ...
6 Wakchaure.C, (April,2014), "Design and Fabrication of Automatic ", Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research.[6] 7 Panelboard, (October,2012), "Design and Fabrication of Automatic and Vending Machine", International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering,6(10), 59-62.
Design and Development of a Plastic Bottle Crusher
The main purpose of the study is to design and fabrication of cost effective plastic shredder machine, the use of power supply and single shaft mechanism which can be useful for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises. ... - The paper is about design of a Plastic Bottle Crusher which would help to crush the used Plastic bottles and would thereby …
cans. This project entails the creation of a that uses a single slider crank mechanism to reduce the volume of cans by at least 70%. Usually, the machine have many types which is manual operated and automatic . For manual operated , it use human physically which is hand to
Design and Fabrication of Glass Crushing Machine
Glass crusher machines are designed with the aim of pulverizing glass to aid in the recycling process. Waste glass comes from various sources, in the form of glass sheets, containers, jars and bottles. ... {Design and Fabrication of Glass Crushing Machine}, howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 2612}, year = {EasyChair, 2020}} …
Design and Fabrication Recycling of Plastic System
The present work en compass (design and fabrication shredder/crusher and extruder of plastic machines) the shredder/crusher of plastic machine is consisting of the four main parts; they are system drive, box, hopper and three blade rotating cutter. Crushing is the process waste into smaller size approximately 0.5 –1cm.
Design and Fabrication of Automatic
Design & Calculation The main aim of this is to study the complete design of Automatic machine. We have to design pushing and crushing cylinder. P = F / (A-a) 1x105 = F / (1.104 x 10-3 –7.853 x 10-5) F = …
The Design and Fabrication of a Hydraulic-Powered …
K.P, (2016), Design and Fabrication of Automatic , Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 2 (7) Kshirsagar V & Choudhary. S (2014), Automatic Can or Plastic Bottle Crushing Machine, International Journal for Scientific, Research and Development. 2: 66-68. Rajesh. R, (2016), Design and Fabrication of a ...
(PDF) 3-D designing of an organic waste crusher
Manufacturing and testing of the crusher were conducted. 3-D modelling design was used for visualizing space requirements, improves drawing efficiency and accuracy.
Design and Fabrication of Plastic Bottle Crushing …
[5] Miss. Bhavana Hande, presents paper on New Design of A Plastic Bottle Crusher, ISSN 2277-8616 "Design and Fabrication of Water Bottle Crusher" Prashanth. P, Mohammed Ali, Kaushik S Patel. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET),e-ISSN2395-0056,p-ISSN:2395-0072.
(PDF) Design of Impact stone crusher machine
The main objective is to design impact stone crusher. Impact stone crusher involves the use of impact rather than pressure to crush materials. The material is held within a cage, with...
Design and Fabrication of a Livestock's Fodder Crusher
The project was carried out by fabricating a manually powered fodder crusher in the welding workshop at Jose Eduardo dos Santos campus (University of Namibia) to test and evaluate the design ...
Microcontroller makes up the backbone for this project. This project involves processes like design, fabrication and assembling procedures. Even though there are many types of the machine in the market, the completion of the new model provides a more practical usage than previous one.
Design and Fabrication of Aluminium Tin
This paper talks about detailed design of a tin . Tin helps achieve 65%volume reduction and reduces transportation costs. It is compact in …
Design, Fabrication and Performance Evaluation of a Stone …
Abstract. Crushers are needed in several industries for the purpose of size reduction. They are invaluable machines in laboratories (higher institutions and research …
Design, Fabrication and Testing of a Double Roll Crusher
Design and production of an indigenous roll crusher for low hardness rocks provides impetus for industrial growth. Size reduction equipment are classified into crushers and …
Design of Can Crushing Machine for Increasing Load …
Fig. 1: Universal Testing Machine B. Design of Pneumatic Fig. 2: Assembly view of pneumatic Varieties of designs are available for in market depending of final users need from multi to Single . Actually we design a pneumatic for crushing a soft drink cans of length …
DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF THE DOUBLE ACTING CAN CRUSHING MACHINE D.Vimal Kumar 1, R.Rathish 2, ... That why we choose this project is about design and fabrication of double acting crushing machine is a mechanical to help people to crush the tins easily handling and installed anywhere with their compact shape and …
Design and Fabrication of Aluminium Tin
This paper talks about detailed design of a tin . Tin helps achieve 65%volume reduction and reduces transportation costs. It is compact in size and can be operated manually ...
Design and Fabrication of Pneumatic Can Crushing …
In designing and fabricating this tin , a flow of methods had to be used the design and crusher the tin. First of all, a process planning had to be charted out. (Soakakke 2008) [9 ...
Design and Fabrication of Automatic
The crusher gives you extra space by flattening either single or multiple cans. This project is about designing and fabricating the Recycle Bin Tin to help people to crush the tin and aid easier transportation. This project involves the process of designing the crusher considering forces and ergonomic factors for easier handling.
DESIGN, ANALYSIS AND FABRICATION OF TIN MUHAMMAD ALIF HILMI BIN OSMAN Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment ... ultimate aim of this project is to design and fabricate a manual to minimize the volume of the can up to 70% and for that, it is making the recycle process easier in ...
Recycles waste plastic is process that converting waste plastics into useful products by utilizing mechanical technology such as crusher machine and etc. The literature will …
1Engineering Graduate, Mechanical Engineering, VVCE, Karnataka, India 2Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, VVCE, …
IJERT-Design and Fabrication of Tin Crusher
A beverage can is a metal (mainly aluminum) container designed to hold liquids. Its daily use worldwide presents high threat to environment pollution knowing that aluminum is a sustainable metal and takes from 80 to 100 years to …
Design and Development of Aluminium
an automatic machine to simply reduce the volume of cans as well as human fatigue [2]. K.Sontakke, H.Yadav, C.Wakchaure, P.Samere has performed, "Design and Fabrication of Automatic ". They fabricate recycle bin tin to help the peoples to crush tin cans. They uses
From this the knowledge of all the parameters like design, fabrication and analysis etc. will get increase but most important the knowledge of analysis, the use of Ansys-Workbench Software is increasing day by day to determine the parameters like stress, strain, deflection etc. for safe design and long durability.
Design and Development of Can Crushing Machine
Works [9, 10] provide recommendations for the design and manufacture of crushers for aluminum cans, which cannot be directly applied to rock crushers. The work in [11] proposes the design of a ...
Design and Fabrication of Coconut Shell Breaker …
Coconut shell, crusher, powder, roller mechanism I.INTRODUCTION: ... on Methodology for Design & Fabrication of Portable Organic Waste Chopping Machine was conducted out by Ajinkya S. Hande et al.,[4] (2014).Organic waste is supplied evenly using a tray and feeding drum. Because of
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