Alaska Placer Gold Mine – Active and Ready to Go
The average gold fineness is 878 parts gold and 117 parts of silver in a thousand. Ophir Creek Claims are located on approximately 2 1/2 miles of Ophir Creek with over 2 miles of tailings from the early-mid 1900's available for mining (no overburden to remove). There is also gold to be found on the benches.

Gold Mining Claim for sale
Gold mining claims and gold mines for sale can be found throughout most of the US west, including California, Colorado, Nevada, and Montana. You can also find gold mine claims in Alaska. The weather around California gold claims for sale may arguably be most suitable for the longest period of mining each year.

Cripple Creek Gold Mine | McGrath Alaska | Fay Ranches
Price Reduced Ketchum Creek Gold Mine Circle Hot Springs, Alaska . Located in the Yukon-Koyukuk Borough and within one hundred fifty miles from Fairbanks near Circle Hot Springs, Alaska, this offering consists of a contiguous set of 34 gold claims representing a total of 604± acres, with 5,118 lineal feet along Ketchum Creek and 6,603± lineal feet …

Nome Offshore Mining – Alaska Division of Mining, Land, …
Nome Offshore Mining Nome, Alaska is located on the Seward Peninsula and is not accessible by road. This means all material must be barged or flown in. There are many mining opportunities offshore off Nome in Norton Sound including two public mining areas, 89 offshore leases tracts, and numerous mining claims.

Alaska Federal Mining Claim Information
Anchorage, BLM-Alaska State Office Public Information Center, 222 W. 7th Avenue. (Anchorage Fairbanks, University BLM-Alaska Federal Building and Courthouse, first …

BLM AK Federal Mining Claims
GeoPlatform.gov. Contact Us. National Operations Center. Denver Federal Center, Bldg. 85. Denver, CO 80225-0047. [email protected]. follow us: This dataset …

Gold Prospecting in Alaska: 6 Best Locations & Laws
Tips on Getting a Gold Claim in Alaska. Good luck and happy prospecting! Securing a gold claim in Alaska can be an exciting and rewarding endeavour. Remember, it's essential to understand the rules …

Gold Mining Claim For Sale Home
State of Alaska Gold Mining Claims available for lease, sale, or, negotiable agreement for the coming mining season with option to buy at terms we both agreed to accept. If you are interested in buying a claim we will allow small scale testing for a limited time before a purchase decision is made. Also, you may click on "FREE Alaska ...

McWilliams Gold Claim | Talkeetna Alaska
This Alaska gold claim offers an opportunity to own a piece of Alaska gold mining history as with income potential from the gold mining claims. Woodchopper Creek is an inholding in the Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve of fee lands and mineral rights only. The ownership includes 15 patented claims and 37 unpatented claims along Woodchopper ...

For fortune hunters dredging Alaska's Bering Sea …
Prior to a 2011 state lease sale, there were five active offshore gold-mining leases, according to the Alaska Department of Natural resources. ... Small-scale miners can contract to work on …

Woodchopper Gold Claim | Circle Alaska
Price Reduced Ketchum Creek Gold Mine Circle Hot Springs, Alaska . Located in the Yukon-Koyukuk Borough and within one hundred fifty miles from Fairbanks near Circle Hot Springs, Alaska, this offering consists of a contiguous set of 34 gold claims representing a total of 604± acres, with 5,118 lineal feet along Ketchum Creek and 6,603± lineal feet …

Gold Mining In Alaska
Browse gold mining mines in Alaska by region—including Aleutians East, Aleutians West, Anchorage. ... The Diggings™ is a resource for locating where mining claims are and have been. Discover mining activity in your area and find new regions of opportunity. Read More About Us. About.

Claim Staking in Alaska | My Alaskan Life
Under Alaska mining laws (AS 38.05.185-275) and regulations (11 AAC 86.100-600) Alaska DNR Mining Claim Info), there are three general kinds of mining locations: mining claims, leasehold location and prospecting sites.

20 Active State Mining Claims- Manley, Alaska
Multiple benches on claims, including one that measured 300 feet wide, 2-10 feet deep of lowgrade gravel and river rock, have found it the length of the claims, ~6,000 feet. Tests between $7-$30/yd or 50 to 300 cubic yards to an ounce depending on area. Additional benches both higher and lower. Gold averages 86%

Locating a Mining Claim | Bureau of Land Management
Mining activities are permitted only on those mining claims that can show proof of discovery either (1) by December 31, 1983, or (2) on the date of designation as …

Six Mile Claims
Hope Mining Company has ten each 40 Acre State Mining Claims for sale in the Six Mile drainage on Alaska's Kenai Peninsula. All claims are conveniently located off the Hope Highway with access from the …

Mining Claims for Sale: Patented & Unpatented | Placer, …
Explore a diverse range of mining claims for sale, both patented and unpatented. From placer to lode, tunnel sites to mill sites, find the perfect claim for your next venture at MiningClaimSales.com. ... Quartzite AZ - 20 Acres Gold Mining Claim Product Review Score. 4.62 out of 5 stars. 152 reviews. 40 Acres Wickenburg AZ Gold Mine Product ...

Mining – Alaska Division of Mining, Land, and Water
Please contact PIC with Mining and Alaska Mapper questions. 907-451-2705 (Fairbanks) or 907-269-8400 (Anchorage) File your Mining License Tax and …

Alaska Placer Mining Operations and Claims 2020
Alaska Placer Mining Operations and Claims Operator's Guide F. or anyone who owns, leases, or has an interest in placer mining claims in Alaska. October 2020 Update. ... with hand tools and gold pans. 2. Notice Level Operations are operations that are exploratory in nature, will result in a cumulative surface disturbance of 5 ...

Fairbanks Gold Co. owns thousands of acres of patented mining ground throughout the interior of Alaska. These patented claims are located on the following creeks and streams in interior Alaska: Goldstream Creek ... Unpatented State and Federal Mining Claims: Fairbanks Gold Co. has valid mining claims on state and federal properties along …

The Fairbanks Gold Dredging Company Papers consist of business records for the period 1920-1966 pertaining to ownership, financial affairs, and mining operations of what was originally an English joint stock venture organizad to acquire title to the gold mining claims on Fairbanks Creek, Alaska.

Petersville Mining
Gold Placer Mining Property in Alaska for Sale. Rich Gold and a beautiful area to mine. It is on the south side of the Majestic Mt. Denali in the Dutch and Peters Hills Located on five recently issued State of Alaska mining leases totaling 2,690 acres. Mining leases are a 20-year lease from the State of Alaska and are renewable. Additional to ...

Gold Rush Expeditions
Gold, Silver, Copper, and Platinum mining claims for sale. Mines for sale in California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Montana, Colorado, Idaho

A large gold mine you've probably never heard
But Manh Choh is just the beginning of a surge in mining projects in the state. While gold is not a critical mineral, Alaska holds large reserves of cobalt, copper and rare earth minerals ...

Alaska Gold Mining Claims for $200 an acre
I have over two thousand acres of mining claims in Alaska 60 miles south of Tok, Alaska along Porcupine Creek and only 5 miles off the main highway. Access is by a good right of way trail. For sale at less than 40k per 160 acre claim - $400,000.00 for 12-160 acre claims -- making the price only $200 per acre.

Mines, Mineral Properties and Mining Claims For Sale
Featured Listing. Yukon Gold – Livingstone Creek. Yukon Gold Placer Mining/HardRock Opportunity. 43 Placer Claims, 200+ Quartz Claims, 10-year Water License, 3 Miles of Prospecting Leases totaling a combined land area of over 4000 hectares Several high-grade surface quartz vein structures exist, including one that measures 14 meters wide …

Properties | Classifieds | ICMJ Prospecting & Mining Journal
View the most comprehensive list of gold claims and mines for sale in Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Oregon, Nevada, Washington, and other states, placer and lode, patented and unpatented. ... (105 acres of a patented gold and PGM mine in California's Mother Lode with 160 acres of adjacent mining claims). Gold at 0.9 OPT, with PGMs and ...

Resurrection Creek
Both claims are also approved for mechanized mining. The two claims comprise approximately 80 acres of minable ground. Close to Anchorage and with access from the Wagon Road and close to the Hope Airport, these claims are ideally suited for a full-time mining operation or for weekend mining or whenever it's feasible.

Ketchum Creek Gold Mine | Circle Hot Springs …
This Alaska gold claim offers an opportunity to own a piece of Alaska gold mining history as with income potential from the gold mining claims. Woodchopper Creek is an inholding in the Yukon-Charley Rivers …
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