Iron in Michigan
William Austin Burt and his surveying crew first came upon Michigan's iron ore on September 19, 1844. Within a few years, iron mines opened all across the central Upper Peninsula. The first mine in Michigan was the Jackson Mine near Negaunee, Michigan. Iron mines are located in areas known as ranges.

Iron ore mine in Michigan's Upper Peninsula being …
Iron ore mine in Michigan's Upper Peninsula being mothballed Aug 5, 2016 ISHPEMING, Mich. (AP) — A mine in Michigan's Upper Peninsula is being mothballed after wrapping up production of iron ore ...

Mining boom roils Upper Peninsula | Bridge …
Dozens of copper and iron mines were scattered across the Upper Peninsula in the 1800s and early 1990s. Just two are left at the Cliffs Natural Resources facility in Marquette County. DEQ Director Dan …

21 Best Things to Do in Upper Peninsula Michigan
Explore Marquette. Despite being the largest town in the Upper Peninsula, Marquette's population is equivalent to some smaller Detroit suburbs. This means that there's plenty to do and see without sacing any small-town charm. Downtown Marquette is home to some excellent craft breweries (Ore Dock Brewing Co., Barrel + Beam and …

Iron Ore Heritage Trail | Michigan Trails
The Iron Ore Heritage Trail traverses 47.8 miles across the Marquette Iron Range in Michigan's beautiful Upper Peninsula. The rail trail, which was designated as a National Recreation Trail in 2018, shares and celebrates the area's rich mining history with interpretive signage, artwork, and connections to museums along the way.

Iron Ore Heritage Trail | Michigan
The Iron Ore Heritage Trail has been designated as a Pure Michigan Trail.We are a 47-mile, year round, multi-use, interpretive trail stretching across the Marquette Iron Range from Harvey to Republic in the Upper Peninsula. The linear outdoor museum connects trail users to the sites and stories of 160+ years of iron mining within the Marquette Iron …

Michigan Iron Ore
On September 19, 1844, near present-day Negaunee, William Austin Burt and his surveying crew first discovered iron ore in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Within a few years iron ore mines were opened across the central Upper Peninsula. The first mine was the Jackson Mine near Negaunee.

Tour One of the Upper Peninsula's Oldest Copper Mines at …
A History of Mining in the Upper Peninsula. The Delaware Mine — located about 12 miles from Copper Harbor in Keweenaw County — operated during the 1800s major mining boom from 1847 to 1887 and had five different shafts, the deepest one reaching 1,400 feet, which produced more than 8 million tons of copper.2. Despite …

Timber, Iron Ore & Copper Mines
U.P. Iron Ore and Copper Spurred the American Industrial Revolution. While timber was an economic boon to Michigan's Upper Peninsula, the iron ore and copper rushes put this region on the international map. Pre …

Inviting a Pernicious Opposition: Company Stores on the …
sylvania as the nation's leading iron ore producer by 1880. In the mid-1880s a third Upper Penin-sula iron field, called the Gogebic Range, began shipping from deposits at the western edge of the Upper Peninsula, extending across the Wisconsin border. By 1890 Michigan's three iron ore ranges produced over 50 percent of the nation's iron ore.3

Iron Ore Heritage Trail
The Iron Ore Heritage Trail is a 47-mile, year round, multi-use, interpretive trail that crosses the Marquette Iron Range in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Call us the outdoor linear museum where you exercise …

11 Common Rocks & Minerals You Can Find in Michigan
Hematite is an iron-oxide ore, and specimens from Michigan can appear black, red, or gray. A popular type of hematite that exists in the Great Lakes State is called specular hematite, or specularite. Specular hematite is composed of tiny iron-rich mica crystals, which give the stone a silvery shine.

2024 AWESOME Guide of Things to Do in Iron Mountain Michigan
Learning the Wilds of Iron Mountain Michigan. Settled in the late 19th century during Michigan's mining boom, the city of Iron Mountain prospered thanks to its proximity to a nearby iron ore bluff. While the golden age of mining has long since passed in the state, it continues to be a thriving community anchored by its tourism industry.

Iron Ore Heritage Trail
Snowmobiling along ledgeway at Pine Hill Quarry. Photo by Carol Fulsher. ... central Upper Peninsula of Michigan. States: Michigan; Counties: Marquette; Cities/Townships: Chocolay Township, Marquette, Marquette Township, Negaunee Township, Negaunee, Ishpeming, Tilden Township, Republic; The Iron Ore Heritage Trail is a 47-mile rail trail …

William Austin Burt stumbled upon Michigan's iron ore
William Austin Burt stumbled upon Michigan's iron ore deposits in 1844. Ever since, mining has been the backbone of Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Iron ore mining has a deep history and a bright future.

Michigan Iron Industry Museum Visitor Information
The museum is a trail head for the Iron Ore Heritage Trail. It is a 47-mile, year round, multi-use, interpretive trail that crosses the Marquette Iron Range in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Visit the Iron Ore Heritage Trail website for a map and details about the trail. Picnic areas; Back to top. Photography

Iron Ore Heritage Trail In Michigan
The iron ore industry in the Upper Peninsula dates back to the mid-19th century when the region's rich iron ore deposits were discovered. The discovery led to a rapid influx of settlers and the establishment of numerous mining communities. ... Located in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, this 47-mile trail follows the former rail lines that were ...

Fiborn Quarry: An Upper Peninsula "Ghost Town" and …
The Fiborn Quarry is an Upper Peninsula ghost town in Michigan that is now a Karst Preserve. Ruins of several buildings remain at the site. The Fiborn Quarry is an Upper Peninsula ghost town in Michigan that is now a Karst Preserve. ... this is where ore was loaded onto freight cars to be shipped out from the quarry. Behind the ore-car …

The history of Fayette, Michigan, yesterday's boom town
According to the Report on the Machine Shop and other Shops at Fayette Iron Works by Larry Lankton in 2018, Fayette, Michigan, was an attractive prospect. In 1864, the Peninsula Railroad made the connection between Negaunee Mine to Escanaba, which soon acquired an iron loading dock and later became a bustling port city.

Michigan Iron Industry Museum
Amid the forested ravines of the Marquette Iron Range, the Michigan Iron Industry Museum overlooks the Carp River and the site of the first iron forge in the Lake Superior region. The museum highlights the state's iron mining industry, which has flourished for more than 125 years. The museum has several examples of different technology …

The Wonderful Wilderness of Michigan's Upper Peninsula
In Marquette's harbor on Lake Superior, the world's largest body of fresh water, a massive elevated ore dock disgorges thousands of tons of iron pellets into the hold of a 1,000-foot-long ship.

4 Best Places to Stay in Upper Peninsula Michigan
The 4 Best Places to Stay in Upper Peninsula Michigan. Everything you need to know about the best places to stay in Upper Peninsula, Michigan. The top neighborhoods and accommodation options for all budgets. ... I recommend the city of Iron Mountain. Named for the valuable iron ore found nearby, this town will offer so many …

Fayette Historic Townsite, Upper Peninsula of …
Fayette Historic Townsite is located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan between Escanaba and Manistique. ... In the mid-1800s, iron ore was shipped from the Upper Peninsula mines to the foundries in the lower …

2024 AWESOME Guide of Things to Do in the Upper Peninsula …
Karst Cave is located on the Fiborn Quarry, an Upper Peninsula ghost town that many people don't even realize exists. Exploring this undeveloped cave is an experience unlike any other. ... Cycle Along the Iron Ore Heritage Trail. ... Located on the western edge of the Upper Peninsula near the Michigan-Wisconsin border, this apple …

40 Best Things to Do in Upper Michigan
Upper Michigan, also known as the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, or UP to locals, is one of two major landmasses that make up the state of Michigan. ... Iron Mountain Iron Mine is one of the Upper …

Fayette, Michigan Historic Townsite – Legends of America
In the mid-1800s, there was an enormous cost in shipping iron ore from Michigan's Upper Peninsula to the foundries in the lower Great Lakes due to inefficient shipping. To resolve the issue, The Jackson Iron Company, led by company agent Fayette Brown, chose Lake Michigan's Garden Peninsula at Snail Shell Harbor to establish a blast furnace ...

Explore Upper Peninsula Mines and Mine …
The Michigan Iron Industry Museum in Negaunee (9 miles west of Marquette), offers photos of everyday life in mining towns and a timeline of how mine work evolved. Outside, a trail connects the museum to the 47 …

Iron Ore Heritage Trail
The Iron Ore Heritage Trail is a 47-mile, year round, multi-use, interpretive trail that crosses the Marquette Iron Range in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Call us the outdoor linear museum where you exercise your body and mind. Those who bike, walk, run, hike, ORV, snowmobile, cross country ski, birdwatch, and/or wander will find a section of …

2024 AWESOME Guide to Fiborn Quarry & Fiborn Karst …
M-123 Tahquamenon Scenic Byway is a 63-mile scenic drive in Michigan's Upper Peninsula that offers breathtaking views of forests, rivers, trails, and Tahquamenon Falls State Park. Spend a Day in the Les Cheneaux Islands. The Les Cheneaux Islands are a group of 36 islands located in Michigan's Eastern Upper Peninsula. The islands are …

Active Mines and Mineral Plants in Michigan
Crushed Stone Long Lake Avenue Quarry Specification Stone Products, Inc. Alpena 45.08496 -83.42703 M/P Crushed Stone Fussey Quarry R. E. Glancy, Inc. Alpena 45.09789 -83.42141 M/P ... Gypsum Whitmore Mine Michigan Gypsum Co Iosco 44.17700 -83.76500 M Gypsum Alabaster Mine US Gypsum Co Iosco 44.19500 -83.57400 M …
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