history of swedish mining

Swedish Immigration to Minnesota

A History of the Swedish-Americans of Minnesota. 3 vols. Chicago: Publishing Company, 1910. Related Resources. Primary. ... Iron Range, one of Minnesota's three iron mining ranges, begins shipping ore, and …

The History of Tungsten, the Strongest Natural Metal on …

TUNGSTEN: derived from the Swedish words TUNG (English: heavy) and STEN (English: stone) due to its density. Scheelite, the other important tungsten ore, was discovered in an iron mine in Sweden in 1750. It garnered interest for its incredible density – which is why it was named "heavy stone". The Discovery

The history of Swedish steel industry

It was merchants from Lübeck who, in the Middle Ages, began to interest the kings of Sweden in the export of iron on a large scale. It was also at that time that German mine owners and merchants acquired the rights to run their own operations in Sweden's mining areas and trading …

Sami in Sweden | sweden.se

Sami country – known as Sápmi – stretches across the northern parts of Sweden, Norway and Finland, and Russia's Kola Peninsula. The original settlement was even larger, but the indigenous Sami were gradually forced to give up land, first to farmers starting in the 1650s and later to industries such as forestry and mining.

Nome Alaska

Nome History Prospectors discovered gold on Anvil Creek in 1898. Most sources credit the discovery to "Three Lucky Swedes", but a more detailed account published in the Engineering and Mining Journal indicates they were not the first to …

Learn more about Swedens mining industry

Photo: LKAB Significant ore assets, combined with world-leading academia, mining companies, and technology companies have allowed ongoing success for Swedish mining. The Swedish government has a clear goal to strengthen its position as the EU's leading mining country—this has been expressed in Sweden's mineral strategy. Along with the …

Swedish mines

Swedish mines. Sweden has a history of mining and metal refining stretching back more than a thousand years. Today, Sweden is one of the EU's leading ore and metal producers. Sweden is by far the largest iron …

History of Sweden – more than Vikings | Official site of Sweden

Nonetheless, Sweden joined the League of Nations in 1920 and the United Nations in 1946. The first UN operation involving Swedish troops took place in Suez in 1956. Since 1994, Sweden has also co-operated with NATO under the Partnership for Peace. Through these organisations, Sweden has been involved in numerous …

Norrland Gold

Sweden is one of the largest gold producers and the biggest iron ore producer of the European Union. Well established mining framework. Agnico Eagle, Mandalay Resources and Dragon Mining are exploring and mining in Sweden. Mining friendly jurisdiction. Exploration Permits easily renewed. Low occupation fees. Nominal royalties (0.05%).

Statistics of the Swedish Mining Industry 2021

The Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) publish a yearly statistical summary of the Swedish mining and mineral industry. In relation to the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, SGU …

A History of Exploration for and Discovery of Finland's Ore …

Historically documented mining in Finland started in the 1530s when the area formed part of Sweden. The post of commissioner of mines was founded in 1638. The Swedish government activated mineral exploration in Finland in the seventeenth century and, during the Age of Utility, in the eighteenth century.


The manufacturing of stainless steel began in 1921 and cemented carbide in 1942. Production of cemented-carbide tools began in the 1950s in Gimo, Sweden. In 1972, …

Sweden's Minerals Strategy

Sweden's mining and minerals industry in an international perspective. The global population is continuing to rise and is expected to reach nine billion by 2050. In 2060, it …

Health impact assessment of a mining project in …

HIA in the context of Sámi health research. Given that mining in Sweden occurs mostly in Sámi territory and the adverse health effects found in this study, the lack of comprehensive HIAs on mining projects in Sweden raises serious concerns. ARTICLE HISTORY Received 27 May 2021 Accepted 10 September 2021 KEYWORDS

Mineral resources

Swedish mines. Sweden has a history of mining and metal refining stretching back more than a thousand years. Today, Sweden is one of the EU's leading ore and metal …

Swedish Mining & Metalworking – Past & Present

As part of the series 'National Atlas of Sweden' this 216 page large format book traces the history of metallurgy and mining in Sweden from the earliest bloomery sites to present day activities. Published by Jernkontoret, The Swedish Steel Producers' Association, the book was ten years in the making and combines contributions from 36 ...

Falu Gruva

Experience a thousand years of history both above and below ground. Take a full day trip with the whole family. ... Our guides take you through dizzying mine passages and tell you about the mine's thousand-year history. Book a tour Explore the Mine Museum. The Mine Museum tells about how everything started and what happened at Falu Mine up to ...

Sami | People, History, & Lifestyle | Britannica

Sami, any member of a people speaking the Sami language and inhabiting Lapland and adjacent areas of northern Norway, Sweden, and Finland, as well as the Kola Peninsula of Russia.The three Sami languages, which are mutually unintelligible, are sometimes considered dialects of one language. They belong to the Finno-Ugric branch …

Swedish Mining and Metalworking

The history of metal production in Sweden goes back at least 4,500 years. Evidence of metalworking is preserved in the form of traces of slag and the ruins of furnaces. The …

Morris Run History 1832

a brief history of the swedish lutheran congregation In September, 1879 Reverend A. J. Ostlin of Titusville, Pa., made a visit to Morris Run and found many Swedish people here. In November of the same year, Reverend A.J. Ostlin, together with Reverend P.O. Hultgren, made a second visit to Morris Run and organized the Swedish Lutheran Church at ...

MassMin 2024

Connect with the world's leading mining experts and exchange insights in one of the most breathtaking locations on earth. ... Monday 16th Sept. at 11.00 Swedish time. We kindly ask you to write the name of your paper, date and number of your session in the subject line. Please use the official template of MassMin 2024; as can be accessed in ...

The History and Evolution of Minecraft

Minecraft was initially created by Markus "Notch" Persson, a Swedish game programmer. Markus Persson had worked for King for over four years until 2009, when he began full-time development on ...

History of mining and metallurgy

The history of mining and metallurgy is an interdisciplinary field of study. It includes, for example, history, industrial history, economic history, archeology, metallurgy, art science …

Exploring the History of Mining Through the …

Owned by Swedish mining company Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara (LKAB), the mine has a general annual production capacity of 26mt of iron ore, and in 2008 produced 27.5mt of iron ore. ... However, …

Learn more about Swedens mining industry

Sweden is Europe's leading mining nation as it accounts for 91% of the continent's iron ore, as well as 9% of the copper and 24-39% of its lead, zinc, silver and gold. In 2014, Swedish ore production broke a new …

Moving a town to save a mine: the story of Kiruna

Swedish state-owned miner Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara Aktiebolag (LKAB) has enjoyed a profitable and productive few years, with end-of-year profits rising from $512.9m in 2017 to $563.2m in 2018, and total iron ore production climbing from 25.7 million tonnes (Mt) in 2014 to 26.9Mt half a decade later.

Mining Sápmi: Colonial Histories, Sámi Archaeology, and …

Sweden, actively supported by the Swedish state through pro-mining policies, low mineral taxation, and state investments in mining-related infrastruc ture. Growing global demand has led to increasing ... neity and indigenous rights in Sweden are cen tral—and history becomes very important. There are several current mining …