The Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of …
the Sierra Leone mining industry's environmental and socio-economic impacts. The specific objectives of the study are as follows: To identify and assess socio-economic activities which are significantly influenced by mining activities. To examine local communities perceptions on how mining activities impact the environment.
The Contribution of the Mining Sector to Socioeconomic …
which mining operations can impact development and have done so already; it also investigates under what circumstances and policy frame-works the mining sector has been able to act as an engine of sustained and widespread socioeconomic growth in low- and middle-income coun-tries. The Natural Resource Curse
Small‐scale mining and its socio‐economic impact in …
This article examines both the positive and negative socio-economic impacts of small-scale mining in developing countries, and outlines some key measures for improving sustainability in the sector. It is important to clarify that, in spite of experiencing its share of environmental- and health-related problems that adversely impact human quality-of-life, …
The Impacts of Mining Industry: Socio-Economics and …
Abstract. This paper reviews socio-economic and political impacts of the extractive industry based on a global literature review. It reveals 27 different impacts (23 socio-economics and 4 political) associated with the industry.
The social and economic impacts of gold mining
Despite the industry's scale, the socio-economic impacts of the gold mining industry are not well understood. Gold mining companies are a major source of income and
A Study done by Women on Mining and Extractives (WoME) AUGUST, 2021 With Funding From OXFAM ASSESSMENT OF THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACT OF ARTISANAL MINING ON WOMEN IN SIERRA LEONE Many women are directly or indirectly engaged in Artisanal mining activities in Sierra Leone despite the flood of challenges facing them in …
Understanding the impacts of mining on local …
These trends have brought major attention to issues of economic inequality, environmental harms of mining, and environmental justice, which is putting pressure on the mining industry to make a case …
The Impact of Mining sector to the Namibia economy
The mining sector's role in socio-economic development is documented in secondary data sources i.e. national accounts, fiscal data, chamber of mines annual reviews etc., however, at the micro-level, limited information is available regarding the mining sector's socio-economic impact. This
(PDF) Gold Mining and Its Effect on Natural and Socio …
Gold Mining and Its Effect on Natural and Socio-Economic Environment: the Case of Oddo Shakisso District, Oromia Region, Ethiopia. (Mining Policy Implementation Assessment
Socio-economic Impact of Mining Companies to Its Host …
Gold mining has played an important role in Ghana's economy, however the negative environmental and socio-economic effects on the host communities associated with gold mining have overshadowed ...
Social and economic costs and benefits of coal
The case-by-case socio-environmental-economic impact analysis of coal-mining projects ensures that only projects with positive net social benefits are chosen to proceed. With ever rising energy demand coal is likely to continue to be significant source of energy, while expanded implementation of clean coal technologies will help to reduce ...
(PDF) Socio economic and environmental impact of gem …
The gem mining industry (GMI) is one of Sri Lanka's major sources of income and employment. However, it also has considerable socio-economic and environmental (SEE) consequences affecting gem ...
The environmental and socio-economic impacts of mining …
DOI: 10.1016/J.JCLEPRO.2004.01.012 Corpus ID: 269106430; The environmental and socio-economic impacts of mining on local livelihoods in Tanzania: A case study of Geita District
(PDF) The Socioeconomic Effects of Large Scale Gold Mining …
The performance of the gold mining industry globally is in no doubt. However, the industry's susceptibility to the frequent rise and fall in the price of gold, coupled with the various negative impacts it generates in mining communities have made it reliability for economic growth and development questionable.
The Contribution of the Mining Sector to Socioeconomic
Social LCA (SLCA) assesses social and socio-economic impacts along the life cycle (including raw materials extraction, processing, manufacture, use, end of life) …
Perceptions of local communities regarding the impacts of …
Yang and Ho (2019) have investigated the socio-economic impacts of mining activities on rural communities in China. They have found that mining can contribute towards economic growth, reduction in poverty, employment and increased global integration of the economy within the country and local communities. Indeed, …
The Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of Mining …
The mining industry is responsible for many social and environmental effects, including air and water pollution, fear of land tenure, loss of biodiversity, socio-economic disruption [12][13][14 ...
The Impacts of Mining Industry: Socio-Economics …
Four political impacts are children rights, corruption, human rights and human trafficking. The lack of documented impact data for operational mines is a crucial issue...
Socio-economic impacts and sustainability of mining, a case …
The socio-economic impacts of past mining were studied at Singkep Island, Indonesia. Tin mining was the only major industry on the island from 1812 to 1992. It contributed around 65% -90% of the local economy, provided 2452 out of 8716 direct jobs, operated 2 out of 39 primary schools, built infrastructure and controlled the …
The Ban on Illegal Mining in Ghana: Environmental and Socio …
Both in the short and long term, this type of mining can generate numerous health, environmental and socio-economic impacts that can be measured using diverse methods.
The environmental and socio-economic impacts of mining …
1.. IntroductionMining is a major economic activity in many developing countries [1], [2].Operations, whether small- or large-scale, are inherently disruptive to the environment [3], producing enormous quantities of waste that can have deleterious impacts for decades [2].The environmental deterioration caused by mining occurs mainly as a …
Socio-economic Environmental Sustainability and Indian …
The environmental ground is the first reason followed by other social and economical reasons. To define the causative effect on the socio-economic front, the impact categorization has been done according to the different phases of the mining life cycle (Table 20.1). These are first examined and impact evaluated.
Mining Projects: Socio
Objectives The general objective of the study is to assess the socio-economic impact of mining operations to the LGU. Specifically, the objectives are as follows: 1) To determine the effects and impact of …
The Ban on Illegal Mining in Ghana: Environmental and Socio …
The study was conducted to assess the effects of small-scale (artisanal) gold mining and its social and economic implications on the people in Amansie West District of Ghana. The artisanal gold mining communities were studied using secondary data
The Socio-Economic Implications of Artisanal and …
The overriding objectives were to assess local perception of the environment and socio-economic impacts of mining in their communities. To achieve this, 50 respondents were selected using a ...
The social and environmental complexities of extracting …
Social vulnerability reflects national and regional socio-economic factors of vulnerability such as poverty, inequalities and demographic imbalance. ... the impacts of their activities on the host ...
(PDF) The Socio-Economic Effects of Colonial Tin Mining on …
The thesis exami nes the activities of colonial tin mining and its socio-economic effects on the Jos-Plateau. The imposition of the British colonial rule on the Jos-Plateau area as from 1902 ...
[PDF] Socio-economic Impact of Mining on Rural …
Natural resources are an integral part of all human civilization. Again, natural resources that can either be renewable or non-renewable, affords adequate atmosphere towards economic development. Coal as a form of non-renewable natural resource is obtainable through excavation. But in the process, it is often regarded as a socially and …
Small-scale mining and its socio-economic impact in …
Keywords: Small-scale mines; Socio-economic impact; Sustainability; Mining The author is a member of the Environmental Policy & Management Group (EPMG), Imperial College Centre for Environmental Technology (ICCET), Royal School of Mines, London. E-mail: [email protected] 1. Introduction Small-scale mining has brought both major problems and
Environmental and social impacts of mining and their …
the socio-economic impacts of mining. Impacts, mitigation measures and even benefits can result . in many interacting effects, both positive and . negative. Managing socio-economic impacts,
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