Water Challenges in Oman
Based on data from the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN-ESCWA), the following are relevant regarding water demand in Oman over the years 1990, 2000 and 2025. Figure 2: Water demand in million cubic metres (MCM) for the year 1990.

UltraTech buys limestone mine in Oman
UltraTech buys limestone mine in Oman Updated - January 30, 2023 at 09:24 PM. | January 30 UltraTech acquires 70 per cent equity shares in Duqm Cement Project, Oman for $2.25 million

Multi-criteria decision analysis of waste-to-energy …
The generation of waste has rapidly increased worldwide owing to the fast economic development and urbanisation. In the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), …

Conceptual design and life-cycle environmental and …
The general framework of this study consists of three steps. As shown in Fig. 1, the first step is feasibility analysis and process design.The reforming reaction of …

Mechanical, environmental and economic performance of …
In Phase II, four Grade 45 UHV-LCC concrete mixes with different LCC/binder ratios (Table 1 b) were designed according to the results from Phase I, and the determination of water/binder ratios is discussed in detail in Section 3.2.Two sets of conventional Grade 45 concrete were also prepared for comparison (Reference-Series …

Environment Authority organises symposium on …
Muscat: The Environment Authority (EA) organized a symposium on circular economy, themed "Recycling of Plastic Waste". The event aimed at contributing to the protection of nature and the ...

Efficiency: What It Means in Economics, the …
Efficiency is a level of performance that uses the lowest amount of inputs to create the greatest amount of outputs. Learn how to calculate efficiency.

Reducing plastic production: Economic loss or …
Benefit transfer is a well-known monetary valuation technique used in environmental economics to estimate the economic value of ecosystem services for which no money is exchanged on a market (Pearce et al., Reference Pearce, Atkinson and Mourato 2006). For comparison with plastic reduction strategies estimated in Section "Global cost of ...

Oman Inflation Rate
Inflation Rate in Oman decreased to 1.10 percent in August from 1.50 percent in July of 2024. Inflation Rate in Oman averaged 2.62 percent from 2005 until 2024, reaching an all time high of 14.50 percent in June of 2008 and a record low of …

The Economics of Recycling
Ideally, economic valuation forms an integral part of the overall environmental assessment of waste management. As shown in Figure 31.1, an example of such an integrated assessment commonly applied in the waste management sector is the impact pathway approach (COWI, 2000).This approach proceeds sequentially through …

Pathway decisions for reuse and recycling of retired lithium …
Our method encompasses the system boundaries of the lithium-ion battery life cycle, namely, cradle-to-grave, incorporating new battery production, first use, refurbishment, reuse, and end-of-life ...

Role of refuse-derived fuel in circular economy and …
8.1 Sustain per capita economic growth in accordance with national circumstances 8.4 Improve progressively, through 2030, global resource efficiency in consumption and production and endeavour to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation, in accordance with the 10-Year Framework of Programmes …

Metal Recycling Factsheet
• Recycling one tonne of steel saves 1.4 tonnes of iron ore, 0.8 tonnes of coal, 0.3 tonnes of limestone and additives, and 1.67 tonnes of CO 2. • In 2018, 157 million tonnes of CO 2 were saved in the EU by recycling 94 million tonnes of scrap, an equivalent amount to all automobiles circulating in France, Great Britain and Belgium.

Economic and Environmental Evaluation of Aluminium Recycling …
The relationships between material separation efficiency, recycling costs, recycler’s total revenues and the associated environmental impacts to achieve different types of secondary Al alloys are observed from case study data. A discussion on the options to improve the efficiency of Al recycling from a policy perspective is then …

Economics of Waste Minimization, Recycling, and Disposal
In response, economic models have been developed to help decision-makers choose the most efficient mix of policy levers to regulate solid waste and recycling activities. The economic models employ different kinds of data to estimate the factors that contribute to solid waste generation and recycling, and to estimate the effectiveness of the ...

Techno-socio-economic aspects of Portland cement, …
1. Introduction. Conventional cement-based concrete (OPC) is found to be the second most consumable resource next to water in the world [1]; this could be attributed to the population rise.The utilization of concrete was estimated as 1 m 3 per person yearly [2].Production of 1 ton of OPC emits approximately 1 ton of carbon dioxide (CO 2) and …

Optimal strategy to sort plastic waste considering economic …
In this study, we suggested an optimal strategy to sort plastic waste to improve recycling efficiency considering economic feasibility. To derive the optimal sorting strategy, we developed a novel optimization model that considers the overall cost, which is sorting cost minus the revenue obtained by selling the recycling plastic from …

Experimental investigation and multi-performance …
Landfills are known to generate substantial quantity of heat due to decomposition of the organic waste material leading to rise in ambient temperature which may contribute to the overall global ...

Key initiatives launched for energy efficiency in Oman
By executing these projects, Oman aims to achieve its 2030 renewable energy goals by 2027, increasing the contribution of renewable energy to 30% of total electricity production by 2030. These initiatives are aligned with Oman Vision 2040 goals and signify a commitment to boosting investments in alternative energy production.

Top 25 recycling facts and statistics for 2022
These 25 recycling facts and statistics show the state of plastic, paper, aluminum, glass, electronic and food recycling in 2022. Materials like glass and aluminum have high recycling rates and can be recycled endlessly, but many types of plastics are labeled recyclable when they are not.

Production Economics and Economic Efficiency | SpringerLink
Both technical and allocative efficiency concepts comprise total economic efficiency (Hollingsworth, 2008). The former expresses the firm's ability to reach the maximum output from a given set of inputs, whereas the last express the firm's ability to use the inputs at optimal proportions given their prices and production technology.

Environmentally sustainable mining in quarries to reduce …
While quarries are potential economic locations, further attention is needed to guarantee a cost-effective and environmentally efficient system for waste …

Sustainability – Recycling | Aluminum Association
The U.S. collects more than twice the amount of aluminum today for recycling than it did in the 1980s. And while recycling rates in most industrial markets exceed 90%, we can do more — particularly when it comes to aluminum beverage cans.

2020 Recycling Economic Information Report
link between recycling, job growth and the economy will be an important element in addressing these challenges. In 2001, EPA laid the foundation for a better understanding of the economic benefits of recycling by publishing the U.S. Recycling Economic Information (REI) report. This report estimated the contributions

Diebold Nixdorf, Inc.
Cash recycling pilot on DN Series ® ATMs and CDMs reduces cash management costs and provides additional services to customers . MUSCAT, Oman and HUDSON, Ohio, Dec. 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Diebold Nixdorf (NYSE: DBD) today announced that BankDhofar is the first bank in the Middle East to utilize its RM4V cash …

Economic efficiency of plastic recycling plant construction
A significant part of all plastic waste is recyclable and reusable. However, not every method of recycling and reusing plastic is cost-effective. The aim of the study is to justify the economic efficiency of the construction and operation of a plastic recycling plant in the city of Kazan (Russian Federation).

Oman's waste recycling potential valued at around $1 billion
MUSCAT: Oman Environmental Services Holding Co (be'ah), tasked with overseeing the management of the nation's solid waste sector, has assessed the …

Measuring the recycling potential of industrial waste for …
The turning point of the EKC between industrial waste generation and economic development is around US$8000, while the comprehensive utilization is 102.22 million tons. ... resource efficiency ...

Oman Sustainability Center to spearhead carbon neutrality
Carbon neutrality and climate change are the most important components of Oman Vision 2040. Industry, urban planning, energy, transportation, agriculture and health sectors have factored in these components in their strategies . It aims to achieve economic growth by sustainable use of natural resources and mitigate impact of climate change.

UAE-Oman rail network to transport raw limestone
Oman and Etihad Rail Company (OERC), the developer and operator of the UAE-Oman Rail Network, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Emirates Steel Arkan, the UAE's largest steel and building materials manufacturer, to facilitate the export of raw materials from the Sultanate of Oman to the UAE.
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