New era of Alaska gold for Kinross
The Kinross Alaska initiative was officially launched with 2021 start of mining at Gil, a deposit on the Fort Knox property about nine miles east of the mill that hosted 8 million metric tons of probable reserves averaging 0.8 grams per metric ton gold (205,000 oz) gold at the onset of mining.
Fort Knox gold mine Gilmore expansion project Alaska
The Fort Knox gold mine, located in Fairbanks North Star Borough of Alaska, US, is being expanded to include newly acquired mineral rights. The mine currently employs conventional open-pit methods and operates a 45,000 tonnes per day (tpd) capacity mill and heap leach facility.
Golden decade coming to Fort Knox Mine
A look at Kinross Gold Corp.'s newly optimized strategy for Fort Knox indicates that the iconic mine about 20 miles north of Fairbanks, Alaska will be producing upwards of 400,000 ounces of gold per year for most of the coming decade.
Kinross Fort Knox | Mining
In 2021 Kinross Fort Knox celebrated 25 years of operation! Fort Knox is an open-pit gold mine located near the City of Fairbanks, Alaska, in one of the largest gold-producing areas of the state. It is mined by conventional open-pit methods, with ore processed at a mill and heap leach facility.
Fort Knox Mine – Alaska Division of Mining, Land, and Water
The Fort Knox Mine is an open pit, truck-and-shovel operation using carbon-in-pulp, heap leach and gravity processes to recover gold. The mine is located approximately 25 highway miles northeast of Fairbanks, Alaska, on primarily State of Alaska and private lands within the Fairbanks North Star Borough.
Fort Knox
Fort Knox is one of Kinross' largest producing mines and a centre of excellence for the Company as one of the few cold weather heap leach facilities in the world. In 2019, the site poured its eighth millionth …
Truckloads of Ore From Tok Gold Mine May Start Rolling in …
Kinross Gold Mine officials said in an online teleconference Tuesday that work on the company's gold prospect near Tok will resume early next year. If all goes well, they'll haul their first load of ore to the company's mill in Fairbanks in about three years.
A large gold mine you've probably never heard
The mine and its tailings at Fort Knox, the state's largest gold mine, have the potential to pollute the air and waterways. But unlike most other mines in the state, there has been no...
Kinross Alaska opens first mine, seeks more
Under the Kinross Alaska strategy, around 400,000 ounces of gold is expected to poured at Fort Knox each year. Avalon Development Corp. count Residents from the village of Tetlin handling core from drilling that …
Operations & Projects
Located approximately 400 kilometres southeast of Kinross' Fort Knox mine, Manh Choh is a relatively high grade deposit with a large resource base. Kinross plans to process Manh Choh ore at Fort Knox utilizing the existing mill and …
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