Intercalating cation specific self-repairing of vermiculite …
The dependence of vermiculite-swelling on the nature of interlayer cations is also exploited for preparing highly responsive bilayer membranes by assembling clay …

The Effect of Added Polymers on n-Butylammonium …
Garrett, W.G. and Walker, G.F., 1962 Swelling of some vermiculite-organic complexes in water Clays Clay Miner 9 557 – 567 10.1346/CCMN.1960.0090141. CrossRef Google Scholar Humes, R.P., 1985 Interparticle forces in clay minerals [D. Phil, thesis] Oxford, UK Oxford Univ 140 – 153 .

Swelling of Some Vermiculite-Organic Complexes in Water
Complexes formed by macroscopic vermiculite crystals and n-alkylammonium ions with alkyl chains of 3‐4 carbon atoms swell unidimensionally in water until the silicate layers are several hundred Ångströms apart.. The initiation of swelling is thought to involve the development of "icebergs" of the Frank-Evans type around the …

Small-angle X-ray diffraction study of the swelling of …
Small-angle X-ray diffraction study of the swelling of butylammonium-vermiculite J. A. Rausel-Colom, Trans. Faraday Soc., 1964, 60, 190 DOI: 10.1039/TF9646000190

Properties of Vermiculites and Smectites: Expansion and …
The tendency of vermiculite to hydrate decreased as the exchange capacity increased. Differences in properties can be related to both source and amount of charge. ... G. W. (1965) Swelling properties of synthetic smectites in relation to lattice substitutions: Clays and Clay Minerals 13, 209–22. Article Google Scholar Jackson, M. L. (1956 ...

The swelling behavior of some vermiculite-organic complexes in water using several alkylammonium compounds was studied by Garret and Walker (1960). ... expensive equipment and minimal sample preparation efforts are needed in comparison to other methods. EXPERIMENTAL Material

Swelling and diffusion behaviour of Na-vermiculite at …
Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamic simulation methods have been performed to study vermiculite, one of the swelling clay minerals.The evolution of the basal spacing of this clay mineral with increasing water content, as well as the evolution of this space of different hydrated states under the influence of temperature was …

Preparation and properties of potassium-vermiculite films
Flexible films of vermiculite have been prepared from aqueous suspensions after swelling by cation exchange and mechanical delamination. Two different swelling cations, lithium and butylammonium, have been investigated. The degree of swelling and delamination during the suspension preparation was characterized by the percentage of …

Chemical Exfoliation of Vermiculite and the Production …
Swelling then proceeds in accordance with the theory of lyophobic colloids propounded by Verwey and Overbeek (8). In the case of a single macrocrystal of vermiculite, swelling does not pro-ceed to complete dispersion of the silicate layers, and the swollen crystal remains coherent and jelly-like in con-sistency. The negative charge on the silicate

Vermiculite: Structural Properties and Examples of …
swelling and suppression of flammability have been achieved with the only up to 5 wt.% exfoliated layered silicates nanoparticles in polymer matrix [94-97]. The development of

Swelling of Some Vermiculite-Organic Complexes in Water
Complexes formed by macroscopic vermiculite crystals and n-alkylammonium ions with alkyl chains of 3‐4 carbon atoms swell unidimensionally in water until the silicate layers are several hundred Ångströms apart.The initiation of swelling is thought to involve the development of "icebergs" of the Frank-Evans type around the alkylammonium ions. …

The Intercalation of a Vermiculite by Cationic Surfactants …
The general pattern of swelling of the surfactant/vermiculite complex by toluene suggests that the maximum expansion of the intralamellar space is limited by the longest chain in the surfactant. In contrast to earlier results we found that these vermiculites could be swollen by alkanes as well as aromatic solvents. This is attributed to the ...

Preparation and swelling properties of pH-sensitive …
A series of pH-sensitive composite hydrogel beads, chitosan-g-poly (acrylic acid)/vermiculite/sodium alginate (CTS-g-PAA/VMT/SA), was prepared using CTS-g-PAA/VMT composite and SA by Ca(2+) as the crosslinking agent. The structure and morphologies of the developed composite hydrogel beads were chara …

Intercalating cation specific self-repairing of vermiculite …
The dependence of vermiculite-swelling on the nature of interlayer cations is also exploited for preparing highly responsive bilayer membranes by assembling clay flakes with different charge balancing cations. The water-assisted swelling of Li-vermiculite is also utilized to fuse them with lamellar membranes of other 2D materials …

Preparation and properties of potassium-vermiculite fihns
The vermiculite used in this study was an ex foliated vermiculite supplied by Vermica SA (Bozen, Switzerland). A. Preparation of vermiculite suspension To prepare vermiculite suspensions the vermiculite was first swollen by cation exchange and then delami nated by ultrasonic treatment. The swelling was canied

Swelling and diffusion behaviour of Na-vermiculite at …
The swelling of an n-butylammonium vermiculite in solutions of n-butylammonium chloride has been studied by neutron diffraction as a function of temperature and the concentration of the soaking … Expand. 38. PDF. Save. Monte Carlo simulations of Wyoming sodium montmorillonite hydrates.

Cation-controlled wetting properties of …
Here the authors tune properties of vermiculite laminates from superhydrophilic to hydrophobic by cation exchange, and …

Direct Measurement of the Relation Between Swelling …
To test the double-layer theory of swelling as applied to layer silicates, the interlayer separation, λ, in a Li-saturated vermiculite from Grouse Creek, Utah, was measured as a function of the swelling pressure, II.

Cation controlled wetting properties of vermiculite …
The observed swelling behaviour of V‐laminates is consistent wi th swelling of bulk vermiculite26,27 and further confirms the exchange of Li cations to the other cations used. Compared to the bulk vermiculite crystals one of the …

Preparation and application of expanded and exfoliated …
Vermiculite (VMT) has a unique characteristic of volume expansion after heating, forming highly porous material called expanded VMT, which can be further …

Low-Angle X-Ray Diffraction Studies of the Swelling of …
The present results demonstrate that in vermiculite swelling proceeds until the interlayer separation causes the repulsion between sheets to drop to a value of ~ 2.5 × 10 4 dyn/cm 2. This attractive force, which limits swelling, appears to be independent of sheet separation and electrolyte concentration. In montmorillonite swelling is opposed ...

DIY Removal of Vermiculite Insulation | Is It Safe and Feasible?
It is possible with the correct equipment and safety measures, but it may be just as expensive as having it professionally removed. ... Swollen fingertips; Exposure to asbestos also increases the risk of lung cancer. Years of inflammation and scarring can result in DNA mutations that lead to abnormal cell growth. ... "all vermiculite must be ...

equipment for the swelling vermiculite
Products. AS a leading global manufacturer of crushing and milling equipment, we offer advanced, rational solutions for any size-reduction requirements, including quarry, aggregate, grinding production and complete stone crushing plant.

(PDF) Characterization of vermiculite by XRD and …
The effect of swelling conditions on the vermiculite pore structure was studied by X-ray diffraction analysis, mercury porosimetry, and scanning electron microscopy.

Formation of Porous Vermiculite Structure in the Course of …
The effect of swelling conditions on the vermiculite pore structure was studied by X-ray diffraction analysis, mercury porosimetry, and scanning electron microscopy. The closed porosity of the samples was estimated. A possibility for purposeful modification of vermiculite pore structure by varying the swelling temperature and heating rate was …

Cation-controlled wetting properties of vermiculite …
Introduction. Hydrated ions at charged interfaces are ubiquitous and play a critical role in our daily life ranging from the control of neurological action, protein folding, to clean energy and water production 1 – 4.Clays are one of the best examples of such systems 5.Owing to their unique properties such as high capillarity, degree of swelling …

It is determined that ammonium ion intercalation is predominantly affected by the acid-base equilibrium and that the degree of swelling or inflow of H2O is controlled by the osmotic pressure balance between the gallery and the solution environment, both of which are relatively independent of electrolyte identity but substantially dependent on molarity.

(PDF) Characterization of vermiculite by XRD and
The effect of swelling conditions on the vermiculite pore structure was studied by X-ray diffraction analysis, mercury porosimetry, and scanning electron microscopy. The closed porosity of the ...

Electron Microscopy Study of n-Butylammonium Vermiculite …
Abstract Electron microscopy was used to study swollen samples of n-butylammonium vermiculite prepared in dilute aqueous solutions of n-butylammonium chloride. Three electrolyte concentrations were studied, 0.1 M, 0.01 M and 0.001 M. The 0.1 M samples studied were in a taetoid phase, exhibiting crystalline legions of about ten …

Swelling of n-Butylammonium Vermiculite in Water
Swelling of n-Butylammonium Vermiculite in Water - Volume 38 Issue 1. The swelling of an n-butylammonium vermiculite in solutions of n-butylammonium chloride has been studied by neutron diffraction as a function of temperature and the concentration of the soaking solution.
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