Cretaceous Atlas of Ancient Life | Ptychodontidae
Common Name: 'Shell crusher' Extant/ Extinct. Key morphological features: The Ptychodontidae include the largest shark of the Late Cretaceous WIS; Ptychodus …

Peace River Fossil Identification
Identification: Larger than other shark teeth - Serrations - Bourelette Similar Fossils: C. subaruiculatus - This species has cusps Here is your Complete guide to megalodon sharks. Megalodon Shark teeth These …

We hunt throughout ancient Florida oceans for the illusive, massive, 2-23 million year old fossilized teeth of the largest predator to ever roam the earth, the Megalodon Shark. Our ethical, handmade, personally hand-picked shark tooth jewelry and fashion-forward apparel made along the way are also to support a great cause for sharks still swimming …

Giant 'Shell Crusher' Shark Remains Found in Kansas
Paleontologists believe they've identified the remains of an 88.7-million-year-old enormous shark they suspect terrorized sea animals --thanks to a jaw with hundreds of teeth.

.24" Fossil Crusher Shark (Ptychodus) Tooth
This is a fascinating, .24" wide tooth from a Crusher Shark (Ptychodus sp.) a genus of shell-crushing sharks from the Late Cretaceous period. Paleontologists believe these crusher sharks grew to be about 4-5 …

Fossil of an ancient shark that swam in the age of dinosaurs …
The existence of mackerel sharks with crushing teeth was unknown until now, Amadori said. "There is still much more to discover, but we can say that we have taken another important step forward ...

Other USA fossil shark teeth for sale | Buried Treasure Fossils
Shark teeth, Megalodon teeth, and Dinosaur teeth ranging from museum quality to fossils and shark teeth for under $50. Trusted source for high-quality fossils.

'Shell Crusher' shark swam ancient oceans › News in Science …
Related Stories. Great white sharks had humble beginnings, Science Online, 16 Mar 2009; T. rex was no match for Big Tooth, Science Online, 18 Sep 2009; Humans have a bit of shark in them, Science ...

Permo-Pennsylvanian shark teeth from the Lower Cutler …
Several shark teeth have been collected from limestones in the marine-nonmarine transitional zone of the lower Cutler beds in the Shafer Basin near Moab, Utah. The shark teeth include the Pennsylvanian petalodontiform Petalodus ohioensis, which is the first described from the state, and the Permo-Carboniferous cladodontomorph …

Deltodus sp
Shark/Fish tooth. Mississippian Salem Formation St. Louis County, Missouri . ... The old Illinois Geological Survey Vol. VII, 1883 is a thick volume on the crusher teeth. This is a bradyodont, probably more like a ratfish ancestor than a shark. I collected many of these teeth in the old Biggsville, Illinois quarry back in the early 1990's.

9.7" Monster Fish (Xiphactinus) Jaw
.4" Fossil Crusher Shark (Ptychodus) Tooth - Kansas $9 9.7" Cut & Polished Ammonite Fossil (Half) - Madagascar $245 9.4" Cretaceous Rudist (Durania) - Kansas $245 .4" Fossil Crusher Shark (Ptychodus) Tooth - Kansas $7 .3" Fossil Crusher Shark (Ptychodus) Tooth - Kansas ...

Huge, 1.4" Fossil Crusher Shark (Ptychodus) …
This is a large, 1.4" wide tooth from a Crusher Shark (Ptychodus mortoni) a genus of shell-crushing sharks from the Late Cretaceous period. It is in excellent condition, requiring no repair or restoration. There is some …

.3" Fossil Crusher Shark (Ptychodus) Tooth
This is a fascinating, .3" wide tooth from a Crusher Shark (Ptychodus sp.) a genus of shell-crushing sharks from the Late Cretaceous period. Paleontologists believe these crusher sharks grew to be about 4-5 meters long. Given their teeth, we can assume they probably crushed and ate large shelled animals such as giant clams and ammonites.

Exquisite fossils of Cretaceous shark solve mystery …
24 April 2024. A Ptychodus shark fossil found in Mexico. Romain Vullo. Exquisitely preserved fossils of a shark that thrived during the Cretaceous period appear to solve a long-standing mystery ...

.4" Fossil Crusher Shark (Ptychodus) Tooth
This is a fascinating, .4" wide tooth from a Crusher Shark (Ptychodus sp.) a genus of shell-crushing sharks from the Late Cretaceous period. Paleontologists believe these crusher sharks grew to be about 4-5 …

Plastic Herb and Tobacco No1 Crusher Shark Teeth 3 part …
Plastic Herb and Tobacco No1 Crusher Shark Teeth 3 part 60mm Magnetic . Bargain-Base Shop (214033) 99.1% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact seller; GBP 3.13. Approximately US $4.02. Was GBP 3.29 What does this price mean? Recent sales price provided by the seller. Save GBP 0.16 (5% off) Condition: …

1.15" Rare, Fossil Shark (Cretodus) Tooth
1.15" Rare, Fossil Shark (Cretodus) Tooth - Carlile Shale, Kansas (Item #197359), Other Fossil Shark Teeth for sale. FossilEra your source to quality fossil specimens. Customer Service: (866) 550-2013

New Mexico fossil shark teeth for sale | Buried Treasure Fossils
A scarce primitive shark tooth, Ptychodus mortoni, from Upper Cretaceous of New Mexico. The Ptychodus shark possessed crusher teeth preyed on mollusks and other shelled animals. These teeth are from Sandoval Co., New Mexico. Authenticity guaranteed. NM002 SIZE: 3/4" Learn More

Sell your shark teeth: We buy shark teeth collections of any size and quality. Contact us by email and send us clear photos of your fossils. Skip to content. Login. Registered Customers get a 1 time 10% Discount on their next Order; We Buy Shark Teeth; Login/Register; Orders; Products search. JTS Sharks Teeth. JTS Sharks Teeth 0.

Huge, 1.17" Fossil Crusher Shark (Ptychodus) Tooth
This is a fascinating, 1.17" wide tooth from a Crusher Shark (Ptychodus polygyrus) a genus of shell-crushing sharks from the Late Cretaceous period. Teeth from this shark are extremely rare, especially crushers of this immense size and impeccable preservation. Paleontologists conjecture that these crusher sharks grew to be about 4-5 meters long.

.29" Fossil Crusher Shark (Ptychodus) Tooth
This is a fascinating, .29" wide tooth from a Crusher Shark (Ptychodus sp.) a genus of shell-crushing sharks from the Late Cretaceous period. Paleontologists believe these crusher sharks grew to be about 4-5 meters long. Given their teeth, we can assume they probably crushed and ate large shelled animals such as giant clams and ammonites.

.38" Fossil Crusher Shark (Ptychodus) Tooth
This is a fascinating, .38" wide tooth from a Crusher Shark (Ptychodus sp.) a genus of shell-crushing sharks from the Late Cretaceous period. Paleontologists believe these crusher sharks grew to be about 4-5 meters long. Given their teeth, we can assume they probably crushed and ate large shelled animals such as giant clams and ammonites.

.28" Fossil Crusher Shark (Ptychodus) Tooth
This is a fascinating, .28" wide tooth from a Crusher Shark (Ptychodus sp.) a genus of shell-crushing sharks from the Late Cretaceous period. Paleontologists believe these crusher sharks grew to be about 4-5 meters long. Given their teeth, we can assume they probably crushed and ate large shelled animals such as giant clams and ammonites.

1.05" Fossil Shark (Cretodus) Tooth
Cretodus is a genus of extinct mackerel shark that reached lengths somewhere between 15 and 22 feet. These sharks lived in the late Cretaceous seas of the Western Interior Seaway that bisected the continent which is now North America. Their teeth are rather rare and are denoted by a singular central blade and two lateral accessory lobes with a deeply …

Shark Teeth for Sale | Buried Treasure Fossils
Shark Teeth - Best of the Past 99; Bulk Shark Teeth 12; Jewelry Shark Teeth 78; Chile jewelry 9; So. Carolina jewelry 20; Necklace Cords 9; Saw Shark Teeth 26; Hammerhead Shark Teeth 16; Thresher Shark Teeth 103; Edestus - Scissor Tooth Shark 21; Rays 17; Ptychodus teeth 108

Ancient shark was a shell-crushing giant
Still, you can tell a lot about a shark by its teeth, and a new study published in Cretaceous Research suggests that one peculiar form was a shell-crushing giant. Thanks to Jaws, ...

1.12" Fossil Shark (Cretoxyrhina) Tooth
Cretoxyrhina mantelli was a large shark that lived about 100 to 82 million years ago during the late Cretaceous period. It is nicknamed the Ginsu shark in reference to the Ginsu knife, since it fed by slicing into its victims with its knife-sharp teeth.

Megalodon Tooth
Megalodon Teeth are a chance drop from the Megalodon boss. They are darker and more beige than normal shark teeth. In order to evolve your Fishman Karate you will need to have 10 megalodon teeth in your inventory and then talk to the man next to the shark blood blueprints. You will also need to have every move on Fishman Karate unlocked …

The Ptychodontid Sharks
A rare Ptychodus marginalis (FHSM VP-15008) tooth found by Tom Caggiano in southeast Gove County, KS, July, 1999. Ptychodus is a genus of durophagous (shell-crushing) …

Ptychodus Crusher Shark Tooth #30 | Fossils for Sale
– Shell-Crusher Shark; Cretaceous Age; Camp Ranch Formation; Cedar Hill Texas; This ROOTED Ptychodus Shark Tooth meassures .41″ wide. The specimen will come in a 1.25″ Gem Jar with Identification Label; Ptychodus was one of the more unique sharks of the Cretaceous oceans. Instead of having sharp, pointed teeth for tearing flesh from its ...
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