effect of granulated slag as sand replacement in concrete

The Exploitation of Blast furnace Slag as Sand Replacement in Concrete

Keywords: Concrete; Compressive strength; Flexural properties; Ground granulated blast furnace slag, replacement as a sand. INTRODUCTION. Over time waste control has become one of the most complicated and challenging problems affecting the environment. The use of waste materials saves the cost and the environmental.

(PDF) Effect of nickel slag as a sand replacement in …

Due to the different specific gravity between sand and nickel slag, in which nickel slag is heavier than sand, the total volume of concrete containing nickel slag will decrease. Therefore, other materials such as cement, coarse aggregate, and water will compensate to obtain 1 m3 of the total volume of concrete containing nickel slag.

Granulated Blast Furnace Slag

Effect of supplementary cementitious materials on properties of 3D printed conventional and alkali-activated concrete: A review. Mehrab Nodehi, ... Aliakbar Gholampour, in Automation in Construction, 2022. Blast furnace slag. According to ASTM C989-18 [59], granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS) is defined as a glassy granular material …

Slag Substitution as a Cementing Material in Concrete: …

The results of the leaching tests of concrete mixtures with slag are similar to the results of traditional concrete. Therefore, slag encapsulation into the concrete seems to be a good strategy to manage this waste product, instead of it being deposited in landfills where it will pollute the environment by leaching.

Utilization of ground granulated blast furnace slag as partial …

The effect of replacing 20–70 % of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) by ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) on the mechanical properties, weight loss and carbon footprint of oil palm shell concrete (OPSC) has been investigated. The highest replacement level of 70 % of OPC with GGBS was found to have significant effect on …

Study on properties of concrete using slag as partial replacement …

The use of waste items like silica fume, fly ash and ground-granulated blast furnace slag as a partial replacement for cement used in concrete has been considered a sustainable approach in the construction industry [13]. The amount of carbon dioxide gas emitted will be significantly reduced when GGBS is used in place of Portland cement.

IJERT-A Study on the Effect of Inclusion of Fly Ash as Partial

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181 Vol. 4 Issue 05, May-2015 A Study on the Effect of Inclusion of Fly Ash as Partial Replacement of Cement and Granulated Blast Furnace Slag as Partial Replacement of Sand in Concrete Gururaj T1 Ajith B T2 PG student(CCT) Dept. of Civil Engineering …

Experimental investigation on the performance of concrete …

Experimental investigation on the performance of concrete incorporating fine dune sand and ground granulated blast-furnace slag. Author links open overlay panel Trong ... while replacing RS with 10–20% FS had an insignificant effect on concrete strength, FS replacement levels above 20% significantly affected concrete …

Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag

Calculations Relating to Concrete and Masonry. Sidney M. Levy, in Construction Calculations Manual, 2012 5.4.5 Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag. Although portland blast-furnace slag cement, which is made by intergrinding the granulated slag with portland cement clinker (blended cement), has been used for more than 60 years, …

Effect of ground granulated blast furnace slag on cement …

The concrete mixes were designed based on the ACI 211.1-91 (reapproved 2009) [40], as shown in Table 3.The reference concrete, named OPC, was made with Portland cement and the designed w/b ratio was 0.42, assuming that full hydration can be achieved based on the Powers-Brownyard model [20].GGBS replacement levels …

Effect of nickel slag as a sand replacement in strength

This research investigates the use of nickel slag as the replacement of sand in concrete. Various concrete samples were produced with the increasing nickel slag content from 0% to 50% every 10%. A water-cement-ratio of 0.35 was chosen in this study. Concrete mixes were assessed for their compressive strength and workability.

Study of Granulated Blast Furnace Slag as Fine Aggregates in Concrete …

The use of granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS) aggregates in concrete by replacement of natural aggregates is very promising concept because its impact strength is quite more than natural aggregate. Steel slag aggregates are already being used as aggregates in asphalt paving road m due to their mechanical strength, stiffness, …

Experimentation on triple-blended concrete with manufactured sand

Concrete has become a versatile material by adapting itself to user needs, from pavers to skyscrapers. Escalated demand for concrete is the prime reason for the exploitation of resources and increased carbon emissions. This research focuses on reducing the environmental impact of cement manufacturing by partly replacing cement …

Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) | Chemical …

Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) The importance of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) lies in its greener way to become a substitute in concrete material. GGBS being a waste material, it needs proper method for disposal. So incorporating this waste material in concrete can reduce the depletion of …

An Experimental Investigation on Utilization of Waste …

To study the effect of replacement of sand with WFS and GBFS on the properties of Fly ash bricks. ... Granulated blast furnace slag. SAND TESTS ON SAND (as per IS: 2386-1963) The locally available sand was used in the present work and was tested as per IS: 2386-1963 which confirmed to

Effects of utilising granulated blast furnace slag as fine …

The present study evaluates the effect of utilising granulated blast furnace slag as a partial substitution of the fine fraction of natural aggregates on various concrete parameters using the general factorial approach. Two levels of the water/cement ratio (0.45 and 0.5) and four different percentages of granulated blast furnace slag (0, 20%, 40% …

A Comprehensive Review on the Ground Granulated Blast …

However, owing to the reactivity of slag, the higher the amount of slag replaced by sand, the greater the ... B.B. Influence of Incorporation of Granulated Blast Furnace Slag as Replacement of Fine Aggregate on Properties of Concrete. ...

Effect of Partial Replacement of Sand by Iron Ore Tailing …

Effect of Partial Replacement of Sand by Iron Ore Tailing (IOT) and Cement by Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS) on the Compressive Strength of Concrete - written by Ananthayya M B, Prema Kumar W P, Vijay K published on 2014/08/07 download full article with reference data and citations ... The quenching …

Influence of ground granulated blast furnace slag on …

In recent decades, considering environmental issues, partial replacement of Portland cement with supplementary cementitious material (SCM), namely ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS), has been in the spotlight of research.