furnace slag granulator plants in brazil

Slag granulation systems for blast furnaces

The granulator spray-head and transport chute The water quantities for the spray head are approximately as follows: Lower bottom spray head: 1200 m³/hr Upper bottom spray head: 600 m³/hr Side ...

Dry Slag Granulation: A Path to Improving the Safety and …

Abstract. Slag dumping and water granulation are the most commonly used slag treatment methods in the metallurgical industries. In both processes, water is present (by desire for cooling and dispersion or as a result of rain accumulation) and thus equipment and operations are designed to minimize and mitigate the risk of steam …

Comprehensive utilisation of blast furnace slag

Introduction. China is the world's largest steel producer, with the China Iron and Steel Association estimating that the country's crude steel production in 2022 will be 935 million tonnes [Citation 1].Steel slag mainly refers to the blast furnace slag and converter slag produced in the process of iron making and steel making, and with the …

A Review of Granulation Process for Blast Furnace Slag

2 Blast furnace slag and its utilizations Blast furnace slag is a by-product of blast furnace (BF) ironmaking produce. Every pig iron production is accompany by 0.3 ~ 0.6 tons of blast furnace slag produced with the temperature of 1350 ~1450 (1600~1 800 MJ sensible heat, equivalent to 55~61kg standard coal combustion after the heat generated). On

A Review of Granulation Process for Blast Furnace Slag

Dry granulation process, as an environmentally friendly method with high-efficiency heat recovery, have attracted widespread attentions. In this paper, the water quenching and dry granulation processes were discussed in detail. ... Numerical simulation analysis of rotary cup centrifugal blast furnace slag MATEC Web of Conferences 355, …

Granulation and Heat Recovery from Metallurgical Slags

Metallurgical slags are produced at a massive rate of over 750 Mt/year, and carry a thermal energy equivalent to 40 Mt/year of coal. The potential mineral and thermal energy values of slags are in the order of $22 b and $3–6 b per year. Such attractive figures, together with tightening legislation on disposal of slag and the carbon footprint …

Blast Furnace Ironmaking

Today, blast furnace slag is a value added product for the cement industry, using granulated slag sand as CO2-friendly substitute of clinker in cement production. Paul Wurth has developed the INBA® slag granulation …


The project to design, supply, erect and commission a slag granulation plant at the HKM blast furnace 'B' using the RASA process technology was awarded by HKM in early 2002 on a consortium of two Siemens VAI group companies, led by Deutsche VAI (DVAI) based in Düsseldorf. DVAI were responsible for the overall project

Some Fundamental Aspects of Dry Slag Granulation …

Abstract: There is a growing interest in development of a dry slag granulation (DSG) process so as to recover the sensible and latent heats from molten slags and convert iron blast furnace slags into a glassy phase that is a suitable replacement for Portland cement. The combination of waste heat recovery and conversion of slag into a saleable

Increasing the Efficiency of Slag Granulation Plant in …

flexible; and the compact sub-plant can be applied to any furnace configuration. Granulation, dewatering and storage of the slag can be done adjacent to the furnace or can be split up to suit available plant space or logistics. 4. TYPES OF SLAG After granulation of slag based on that appearance it was majorly divided into four groups. a.

Design and Operation of Dry Slag Granulation Pilot Plant

CSIRO has been working on a dry granulation process, integrated with heat recovery, since 2002. It involves a rotary disc that atomizes molten slag to produce liquid droplets, which are rapidly quenched to become solid granules. The hot granules are fed to a counter-current moving packed bed heat exchanger, where they are further cooled …

ThyssenKrupp CSA, Brazil

Granulated slag slurry is pumped to an adjacent dewatering plant with 2 INBA drum dewatering systems. Each furnace has a hot blast stove plant with 3 external …


The Manufacturing Process Manufacturing Skyway Slag Cement requires two basic processes: granulation and grinding. Blast-furnace slag is produced in a blast furnace during the reduction of iron ore to iron. It consists of non-metallic minerals, which are tapped slag from the blast furnace while molten. By processing blast furnace slag into Skyway …

Centrifugal-Granulation-Assisted thermal energy recovery …

Snapshots of centrifugal granulation of molten blast furnace slag by (a) rotary disc atomizer [72], (b) ... In the industrial-scale CGATER plant, the granulator diameter was increased to 5 m to process the molten BFS at a rate of 300–500 kg/min. The industrial CGATER tests are highly desirable while no latest information is available yet.

thyssenkrupp Steel Europe

The slag granulation system is based on the INBA® slag granulation process, incorporating our proprietary dynamic INBA® dewatering drum. ... Seamless integration and efficient use of existing steelmaking and downstream plants; Production of blast furnace equivalent slag as a by-product for utilization in the cement industry as a clinker ...


Then final products of the blast furnace is molten pig iron, slag and top gas. The main product of the blast furnace is molten pig iron and by products are slag and top gas. During the process of formation of molten metal, CaO is chemically reacted with SiO 2 and from the slag, this slag is send to slag granulation plant.

Rigorous environmental and energy life cycle assessment of …

Water is used for cooling the blast furnace, slag granulation treatment, and top gas scrubbing, and is lost by evaporation in electricity cogeneration. ... Brazil: one plant in the state of Minas Gerais. Included: coke, coal, iron ore (lump, pellet, sinter), limestone, electricity, oxygen, nitrogen, compressed air, and closed-loop recycling ...

Dry Slag Granulation – The Future Way to Granulate Blast …

The design and erection for Phase 2 pilot-plant at the site of voestalpine Stahl in Linz has been fin ished in May 2017 followed by a intense commissioning phase. Since Ju ne 2017 discontinuous batch campaign operation are executed to gain know-how and allow for process optimization for lat er commercialization of the process.. This paper su …


Brazil: The Falcão Quality Institute (IFBQ) has certified Lafarlcim Brasil's CP III-32 blast furnace slag cement for all construction applications. The certificate confirms …

Iron and Steel Slag

slag piles at about 129 processing plants (including some iron and steel plants with more than one slag-processing ... Japan, 29%; Brazil, 18%; Canada, 14%; Italy, 12%; and other, 27%. ... crude (pig) iron production and steel furnace slag may be estimated to be 10% to 15% of raw steel production. In 2020, world iron slag production was ...


The current state-of-the-art practice is to granulate molten blast furnace slag in wet-granulation plants using large volumes of water. However, up until now it ... Brazil. remote from the furnace involving the transfer of slag via slag pots and pouring the slag into a granulator via a ladle tilter. The first module of the DSG process can offer ...

Slag Resource Recovery Via Air Granulation

mercial Slag Atomization Plants, two of which have been for the last decade successfully recovering energy from slag. This air-driven slag granulation technology has been applied ... furnace slag granulation, trials were planned and undertaken with Jindal-Steel-Works Vijayanagar (JSW) [8]. At this site, Ecomaister already had three slag atomization

Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GBfS) | IBMD | Tata Steel

Granulated Blast Furnace Slag is a non-metallic by-product produced during the process of Iron making. It primarily consists of silicates, alumino-silicates, and calcium-alumina-silicates. ... The process of slag granulation involves pouring the molten slag through a high-pressure water spray in a granulation head, located in close proximity to ...

Simulation of Motion and Heat Transfer Characteristics of …

DOI: 10.1007/s40997-024-00768-9 Corpus ID: 268975505; Simulation of Motion and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Blast-Furnace Slag Particles in a Cyclone Separator @article{Liu2024SimulationOM, title={Simulation of Motion and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Blast-Furnace Slag Particles in a Cyclone Separator}, …

Installation of a State-of-the-Art Slag Granulation Plant

commission a slag granulation plant at the HKM blast furnace 'B' using the RASA process technology was awarded by HKM in early 2002 based on a consortium of two Siemens VAI group companies, and led by Deutsche VAI (DVAI) based in Düsseldorf. DVAI were responsible for the overall project management, engineering, supply,