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With more than 2,900 journals and 300,000 books, Springer offers many opportunities for authors, customers and partners. ... Search all books, journals and book series published by Springer. Read over 10 million scientific documents on SpringerLink. Buy from our collection of 300,000 books in the shop. Publish a book Ready to publish your book ...

A Field Guide to the Geology of Western Ireland
This book contains a comprehensive field guide, including detailed itineraries and supporting data, to the Geology of Western Ireland, a classic site for world geology. It facilitates study into the rock record of the Neoproterozoic 'birth' to the Devonian 'death' of the Iapetus Ocean along the Laurentian (North American) margin.

Engineering Geology for Underground Rocks | SpringerLink
Using the methods and models given in this book, the reader is able to analyse underground geological engineering problems and also for the design of underground structures. Professionals and students in engineering geology, geological, mining, petroleum, civil engineering, rock mechanics, and mine geology will find this an …

The Phanerozoic Geology and Natural Resources …
This book presents unprecedented data and findings discussing the Phanerozoic geology and associated natural resources in Egypt ... (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to …

Glossary of Geology
The fifth edition of the Glossary of Geology contains nearly 40,000 entries, including 3.600 new terms and nearly 13,000 entries with revised definitions from the previous edition. In addition to definitions, many entries include background information and aids to syllabication. The Glossary draws its authority from the expertise of more than 100 …

Applied Geology: Approaches to Future Resource …
This book presents a collection of chapters resulting from the AIGA 2018 Conference: Applied Geology: Approaches to Future Resource Management. It covers hydrogeology, geological exploration, slope instability, natural hazards, geo …

Merapi Volcano: Geology, Eruptive Activity, and Monitoring …
This book provides the first comprehensive compilation of cutting-edge research on the Merapi volcano on the island of Java, ... Book Subtitle: Geology, Eruptive Activity, and Monitoring of a High-Risk Volcano. Editors: Ralf Gertisser, ... Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023. Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-031-15039-5 Published: 03 February 2023.

Volcanology: Processes, Deposits, Geology and Resources
This book is a substantially updated, revised and extended version of the book Volcanic Successions, published by Cas and Wright back in 1987.Divided into six major parts, it offers comprehensive information on magma properties; fragmentation processes; subaerial and subaqueous lava types and field textures; sub-volcanic intrusions; explosive or …

Layered Intrusions
Part of the book series: Springer Geology (SPRINGERGEOL) 45k Accesses. 335 Citations. 4 Altmetric. Buy print copy. Softcover Book USD 169.99 . Price excludes VAT (USA) ... The first part of this book presents reviews and new views of processes producing the textural, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of layered igneous rocks. ...

Springer Textbooks in Earth Sciences, Geography and …
Springer textbooks provide comprehensive introductions as well as in-depth knowledge for advanced studies. A clear, reader-friendly layout and features such as end-of-chapter summaries, work examples, exercises, and glossaries help the reader to access the subject. Springer textbooks are essential for students, researchers and applied scientists.

Continental Evolution: The Geology of Morocco
Morocco is one of the most fascinating lands in the world from the point of view of its geological structure and evolution. Our knowledge on the geology of the country has been greatly improved during the last decades, based on numerous seismic profiles and boreholes, seismological analysis of focal mechanisms, seismic tomography, …

The Geology of Egypt
Zakaria Hamimi is a structural geologist spent the majority of his academic careerer at Benha University (Egypt) along with some years at Sana'a University (Yemen,) and King Abdulaziz University (Saudi Arabia). He has graduated (1984) from Assiut University (distinction with honor degree), and holds the M.Sc. (1988) from Zagazig University …

Structural Geology and Tectonics Field Guidebook — Volume 1
Dr. Soumyajit Mukherjee is an Associate Professor, he is well experienced in editing with several international publishers. He has written about 110 research papers and chapters for books. He is an Associate Editor in the International Journal of Earth Sciences (Springer) and Series Editor of Developments in Structural Geology and Tectonics (Elsevier) and …

Earth Sciences: Books and Journals | Springer | Springer
Numerous books and journals explore the active intervention of humans in geological processes through the use of soils, groundwater and other mineral resources. Well …

Structural Geology and Tectonics Field Guidebook …
This book helps a novice to explore the terrain independently, works as a resource material for batches of students or geological survey professional undergoing training as parts of their course curriculum or training and …

Environmental Geology
Environmental Geology places these different factors into perspective so that scientists, politicians, economists, ... Editor of the Environmental Earth Sciences Book Series; ... Science and Technology published by Springer. Dr. LaMoreaux has been a member of the Water Environment Federation (WEF) for over 30 years. ...

Engineering Geology: An Introduction | SpringerLink
This book is a supplemented translation of the original German 3rd edition "Ingenieurgeologie" by Dieter D. Genske, published by Springer-Verlag Germany, part of Springer Nature in 2021. The translation was done with the assistance of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service DeepL.com).

The Geology of North Africa
His main interests lie in structural geology and tectonics, but extend to stratigraphy/ sediment ology and geochemistry. He has con ducted research work in Australia, Egypt, Turkey and UAE, and has published more than 50 papers in international journals and has contributed to books dealing with the geology of the Arabian–Nubian Shield.

Environmental Geology: Handbook of Field …
Specialists in remote sensing, geophysical methods, hydrogeology, geology, and geochemistry must maintain current awareness of developments within their sister disciplines in order to formulate effective …

3-D Structural Geology
"In the second edition, material has been reorganized to follow more closely the typical workflowof the exploration geologist. … The book has its place on the shelves of exploration geologists and some structural geology researchers. … this is a useful and well produced book." (Nigel Woodcock, Geological Magazine, Vol. 144 (2), 2007)

The Geology of Germany: A Process-Oriented Approach
This richly illustrated book presents Germany's geological evolution in the context of the Earth's dynamic history. It starts with an introduction to Geology and explains the plate tectonic development, as well as the formation of both ancient and recent mountain belts – namely the Caledonian, Variscan and the modern-day Alps – that formed this part of …

Metals and Society: An Introduction to Economic …
This book is a comprehensive overview of economic geology for the general geologist and anyone else interested in the minerals industry and the global supply of raw materials. It includes some thought-provoking …

Geology of Cuba
This book presents a comprehensive overview of the geology of Cuba and provides an up-to-date image of Cuba's metallogeny Skip to main content ... (Springer, 2017), "Offshore Exploration ofOil and Gas in Cuba using …

Coastal Geology
This book shows all the existing knowledge about coastal geology and its implications for coastal management and helps to understand the coastal ... (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022. Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-030-96120-6 Published: 19 March 2022. Softcover ISBN: 978-3-030-96123 …

Planetary Geology (Springer Praxis Books)
Planetary Geology (Springer Praxis Books) Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2018 Edition . by Angelo Pio Rossi (Editor), Stephan van Gasselt (Editor) 4.6 4.6 out of 5 stars 9 ratings. Part of: Springer Praxis Books …

The Geology and Tectonic Settings of China's Mineral …
From the reviews: "The Geology and Tectonic Setting of China's Mineral Deposits is a major accomplishment in that it brings together an extraordinary amount of material that has been published on these deposits in recent years. … this book is the first English-language summary of China's mineral deposits and should be in all major earth-science libraries; it …

Geologie Deutschlands: Ein prozessorientierter Ansatz
Martin Meschede, Jahrgang 1957, ist seit 2001 Professor für Regionale und Strukturgeologie an der Universität Greifswald.Von 1986 bis 2001 arbeitete er als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Universität Tübingen. Er beschäftigt sich vorwiegend mit plattentektonischen Themen, der marinen Geologie, Geodynamik, Strukturgeologie …

The Geology of Kuwait
It covers basic information about the geology including a wide range of geoscientific disciplines such as marine geology, structural geology, hydrogeology and geophysics related to the region. This book is aimed at researchers and students, as well as professionals in the field of hazard mitigation and petroleum exploration.

The World of Mineral Deposits
This book presents the main types of deposits and explains the processes of fractionation and mineralization, ... Several of his books on geology have been published in German. Gunnar Ries studied mineralogy in Hamburg. His interest in the weathering behavior of East African carbonatites led him to Uganda and Tanzania. ... Springer Nature ...

Structural Geology
Overview. Authors: A.R. Bhattacharya. Presents a complete and up-to-date account of Structural Geology, emphasizing field and practical aspects. Offers a unique platform for geology students to link theory with practice …
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