The Best Direction to Study According to Vastu Shastra
The east direction should be the first choice for the study room. Because the Sun, a source of energy, wisdom, and intellectual power, rises in the east. So, if you want these aspects of the Sun in your child, according to vastu shastra, this direction is ideal. Study room in the northeast direction: 'Lord Shiva' is the governor of this direction.

Vastu for Bamboo Plant
The architectural science of Vastu Shastra is not only applied to buildings and furniture arrangements; the importance of indoor plants is also mentioned in Vastu Shastra for good health, fortune, peace, and prosperity. The science of 4 cardinal directions can also be applied to the majorly accepted sign of good luck and prosperity, …

Vastu Tips for Machines
Machines should be placed according to their weight in such a way that heavier machines go in South-west/South/West direction and lighter North-west/South-east. Avoid placing any kind of machinery in North-east instead keep this place completely vacant and tidy. Machines having with fire-furnaces must be kept in South-east.

10+ Tips For Kitchen According To Vastu
You need storage units for food grains, utensils, crockery, and other kitchen essentials. To ensure optimal kitchen vastu, it's best to place storage cabinets along the southern or western walls. …

7 Vastu Rules to Place Ganpati Murti at Home for Ganesh
#1: Place Your Ganpati Murti Facing the Right Direction Vastu experts tell you the ideal direction to place Ganpati. Vastu experts suggest that the west, north and northeast directions are perfect to place Ganpati in your home. Try to make the idol face the north direction, since this is where lord Shiva resides and it is considered very ...

Vastu for Kitchen Direction Complete Guidance
First, you have to Keep the gas stove in the southeast corner of the kitchen, paint the kitchen in blue or lemon yellow shades. Additionally, we cannot keep anything in the northeast portion of the kitchen; we have to …

Kitchen Vastu: Perfecting the Balance of Colors and Directions
Therefore, we must place the sink and stove as per the rules and guidelines of Vastu Shastra. So, let's start with the stove first. Direction for Stove. As per Vastu Shastra, a stove in the Southeast attracts health, happiness, and good luck. That's because the Southeast is the place of the fire God –Agni. Therefore, placing a stove here ...

What is the Grinding Stone Vastu
As per Vastu Shastra, you should never keep the grinding stone or anything meant for crushing or grinding purposes in the northeast corner of the house. Apart …

What is Vastu Shastra: A Complete Guide to the Ancient
Importance of Vastu Shastra. Several reasons sum up to the importance of Vastu Shastra - When any space is built in a way that aligns divine energies and natural forces, a harmonious environment facilitative to the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of individuals gets created.

Ancestors Photo Direction: Dead Person Photo As Per Vastu
According to Vastu Shastra, positive energy comes into the house if the Dead Person Photo is in the right direction. ... Vastu Shastra; Ancestors Photo Direction: Dead Person Photo As Per Vastu; ... According to Vastu Shastra, always keep the picture of ancestors in such a place, where outsiders cannot see them. It is believed that if an ...

Vastu: In Which Direction Should You Keep your Shoes and …
There will be a lack of personal stability within your marriage. There can also be lung and heart-related problems. As a solution, you must change the direction of the rack by a few feet and check the effects. If placed in the west direction, according to Vaastu this is the right direction to keep your shoes. Although if you face symptoms …

Vastu Directions for Home-Significance of 16 Directions in …
The best kitchen direction, as per vastu, is northwest or southeast direction. While constructing a home, make sure to locate the kitchen in those directions. The northwest direction can offer good …

which direction to keep grinding stone vasthu
Which Direction To Keep Grinding Stone Vasthu. circular grinding stone for drill - lepiceriedemangiennes fr. Btibpse BT85643 100pcs 1 8 Shank 4-10mm Polishing Grinding Head Abrasive Mounted Stone Drill Bit Set for Engraving Cutting Buffing Suit Dremel Blue 4 3 out of 5 stars 2 19 78 19 78 Get it as soon as Mon Apr 1 FREE Shipping on orders …

Fish Aquarium: Vastu Master Key of Success
Where to keep the fish aquarium in home. Living room is best as per vastu shastra to keep a fish aquarium.. Also, with in the living room you cannot place the tank anywhere you wish to. As per vastu the …

Vastu for tortoise: Benefits and direction for …
One can keep a live tortoise in a house, which is considered lucky, according to Vastu Shastra. The best direction to keep a live tortoise is the north or northeast direction. Keeping a live tortoise in the …

Vastu for the kitchen: 6 tips for the kitchen to boost positive …
According to Vastu Shastra, the Lord of Fire—Agni—prevails in the southeast direction of the home, which means that the ideal placement of the kitchen is …

Crystal Tortoise Vastu: The Right Direction To Attract Luck!
Vastu Shastra attributes significant importance to the direction of the crystal tortoise in homes and offices, believing that it brings various benefits to those who possess it. People believe that the crystal tortoise symbolizes life expectancy, good fortune, and consistency, and they believe that it attracts goodwill, peace of mind, and ...

Auspicious Vastu Tips for Entrance/Main Door [DO's
Also keep the door towards center of wall (not exactly at center) and locate a window near North-East corner. Update: More on north facing house @ North Facing House Vastu Shastra South:- If you want to locate entrance of a home in South wall, then locating the door towards South-East is auspicious; avoid having the door at center or South …

11 Study Table Vastu Tips [7 DO's & 4 DON'Ts]
Keep the study table at least 3-4 inches away from wall. A gap in front of the student signifies open space and new ideas come to mind. Hang some inspirational …

grinding stone as per vaastu_Ore milling equipment_Large …
grinding stone as per vaastu . China Heavy Industry is an import-export joint-stock company that specializes in the production of large and medium-sized broken, sand-making and milling equipments, research, production, and sales.It is committed to providing customers with integrated solutions.More than 10 series and dozens of specifications of …

Kitchen Vastu Direction [14 Do's And 9 Dont's]
Stove – The stove is one of the most essential parts of the kitchenand it represents the fire element and it should be placed where the lord of the fire exists and that place is the southeast corne...

Vastu Element Water Body | Vastu shastra Element …
Water installed in the wrong direction might have a reverse effect on you as well as the inhabitants of your premises. Water is considered good Vastu as it accumulates wealth energy especially for properties that face east, …

Factory Vastu : 9 Tips to Design A World Class
West is the direction of overall gains and profits. On the other hand, South can bring name and fame along with an authoritative position in the industry. It is best to construct the labor quarter towards the South-East corner of the shed. This is because the fiery energies of this direction will keep the labor motivated and energized to ...

Kitchen Vastu-Kitchen Direction as per Vastu I Kitchen Vastu …
In fact Vastu Shastra recommends keeping ghee (butter oil) here for nourishment. Kitchen in the South East Direction.

Where To Keep Medicines As Per Vastu – Bejan Daruwalla
According to Vastu Shastra, the process of taking medicines never ends. Apart from this, the person remains ill for a long time. One or the other member in the house is troubled by illness or financial-physical problems. In Vastu Shastra, it is forbidden to keep medicines in the north and west directions.

Vastu for the kitchen: 6 tips for the kitchen to boost positive …
The kitchen is the heart and stomach of any Indian . Vastu for the kitchen is important to bring positivity and good health into the lives of the residents. Every appliance that finds pride of place in your kitchen is important, and if it is placed according to the principles of Vastu, it can ensure that positivity prevails. Vastu expert Ashna …

19 Primary Fundamentals of Vastu Shastra for house
The living room furniture should be arranged in a way that allows free energy flow. Heavy furniture should be in the southwest corner of the living room. HOME OFFICE. As per Vastu Shastra, a home office is best located in the northeast or East corner. LIBRARY. A library should be in the West part of the house as per Vastu Shastra.

Vastu For Study Room: Direction, Colour & Tips As Per Vastu
Vastu Shastra helps remove negativity from our homes. Its purpose is to increase positive energy flow so that we can be successful in all areas of life. According to Vastu Shastra, having the study room in the wrong direction can hinder our studies because it attracts negative energy. Vastu Shastra aims to improve working conditions.

Grinding Stone Direction
which direction to keep grinding stone vasthu. where to keep grinding stone as per vastu quartz, where to keep grinding stone as per vastu, According to the Chinese principles of Feng Shui, the south direction .....

The Direction of Gas Stove in Kitchen as per Vastu
According to Vastu Shastra, all the objects inside the kitchen which represent fire, including gas stoves, gas cylinders, microwave, ovens, toasters, lighters should be placed in the South-East direction of the kitchen.Also, gas stove should be placed in such a manner that a person cooking must face the East. In nutshell, the right placement of the gas stove as …
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