Control of Fluoride Pollution in Cemented Phosphogypsum …
Using phosphogypsum (PG) as the aggregate of cemented backfill is an economical and effective method of PG utilization. However, the stability and …

Preparing sulfoaluminate cement using phosphogypsum as …
DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2024.135296 Corpus ID: 267510648; Preparing sulfoaluminate cement using phosphogypsum as the only calcium oxide source: Effects of fluoride impurities @article{Yao2024PreparingSC, title={Preparing sulfoaluminate cement using phosphogypsum as the only calcium oxide source: Effects of fluoride impurities}, …

Effect of soluble phosphate, fluoride, and pH in Brazilian
DOI: 10.1016/j.cscm.2022.e01413 Corpus ID: 251650878; Effect of soluble phosphate, fluoride, and pH in Brazilian phosphogypsum used as setting retarder on Portland cement hydration

Immobilization of phosphorus and fluorine from whole …
According to microstructural analysis, the good self-cementing properties of WPG-CBM were attributed to the immobilization of phosphorus and fluorine in …

Removal of Fluoride from Phosphogypsum …
In this work, ternary and quaternary layered double oxides (PTB-LDO3 and PTB-LDO4) based on phosphate tailings were synthesized by the coprecipitation method. The as-prepared samples were …

Highly-efficient fluoride retention in on-site solidification
1. Introduction. Phosphogypsum (PG) is an industrial solid waste inevitably generated from the wet process of phosphoric acid production (Cai et al., 2021; Ennaciri et al., 2020).Based on previous statistics, the overall utilization rate of PG is only 15%, representing that the majority of PG is stockpiled in the ground and without any type of …

Simultaneous and efficient removal of fluoride and …
1. Introduction. Phosphogypsum is a by-product of the phosphate fertilizer industry (Millán-Becerro et al., 2020).In general, approximately 5 tons of phosphogypsum are to be generated as the production of 1 ton of phosphoric acid (Zemni et al., 2018).It is estimated that the annual production of phosphogypsum is around 200–300 million …

Highly efficient recovery of phosphate and fluoride from …
The efficiency of La-ZFA was basically not affected by the high concentration sulfate, and it can selectively adsorb fluoride from phosphogypsum leachate, leading to a final fluoride concentration of 0.29 mg/L in the effluent. The characterization demonstrated that fluoride might be adsorbed onto the La-ZFA via ligand exchange with hydroxy groups.

Trace Elements and Fluoride in Phosphogypsum Leachates
The objective of this laboratory study was to investigate the leachate composition of PG produced from Togo phosphate rock for F − and selected trace …

Simultaneous and efficient removal of fluoride and …
The high concentration of fluoride and phosphate in phosphogypsum leachate is harmful to the environment and ecosystem. Thus, there is a need to develop feasible materials or technologies to remove both fluoride and phosphate in acidic phosphogypsum leachate. In this study, sulfoaluminate cement (SC) was used to …

Obtaining nano calcium fluoride and ammonium sulfate …
Abstract This study presents an efficient and sustainable procedure for converting phosphogypsum (PG) waste, along with hydrofluoric acid (HF) and ammonia (NH3), into valuable materials. The results obtained demonstrate the high efficiency of this proposed procedure, resulting in the synthesis of relatively pure calcium fluoride (CaF2) …

Efficient removal of phosphate and fluoride from …
Phosphogypsum, a typical by-product in wet process phosphoric acid with enormous production and high content of phosphorus and fluorine, can offer significant possibilities as a second resource. ... Effects of sorbent dosage on removal efficiency of phosphate and fluoride from phosphogypsum leachate in (a) static condition, and continuous LMZ ...

Effect of phosphogypsum amendment on fluoride content of …
The fluoride added through phosphogypsum accumulated in the top 30 cm of the soil profile. The yield of rice and wheat indicated that phosphogypsum application resulted higher yield of rice and ...

Modeling and Optimization of Fluoride and Cadmium …
The manufacturing of phosphoric acid from natural calcium phosphate generates a solid residue containing 25-30% humidity. This solid residue (phosphogypsum) generates acidic solution (pH ≈ 2.5) containing several toxic ionic species, that coat its grains. Fluorides and heavy metals such as cadmium are considered the most harmful species contained in …

Phosphogypsum: potential uses and problems – a …
Calcium and magnesium contents in the leaves fitted a quadratic model, with maximum calcium content in the phosphogypsum rate of 9.5 Mg ha-1 and the minimum magnesium content in the …

Immobilization and leaching characteristics of fluoride from
Phosphogypsum (PG) is a typical by-product of phosphoric acid and phosphate fertilizers during acid digestion. The application of cemented paste backfill (CPB) has been feasibly investigated for the remediation of PG. The present study evaluated fluorine immobilization mechanisms and attempted to construct a related thermodynamic …

Simultaneous and efficient removal of fluoride and …
In this study, sulfoaluminate cement (SC) was used to simultaneously remove fluoride and phosphate in wastewater based on its moderate alkalinity and rich …

The effect of phosphogypsum as the mineral feed additive …
In the present study, laying hens were fed with mixtures supplemented with mineral feed additives, containing waste phosphogypsum, as the source of calcium and sulfur.Waste phosphogypsum containing 0.4% fluorine from a wet-process phosphoric acid plant was used. During 16 weeks of the test, the following production indicators …

A Review of Fluoride Removal from Phosphorous Gypsum: A …
Abstract. This review comprehensively explores fluoride removal from phosphogypsum, focusing on its composition, fluorine-containing compounds, …

Effect of phosphatic and fluoride impurities of …
DOI: 10.1016/S0008-8846(03)00068-1 Corpus ID: 136794247; Effect of phosphatic and fluoride impurities of phosphogypsum on the properties of selenite plaster @article{Singh2003EffectOP, title={Effect of phosphatic and fluoride impurities of phosphogypsum on the properties of selenite plaster}, author={Manjit Singh}, …

Evaluation of the Influence of Phosphogypsum-Based …
Phosphogypsum is a waste from the phosphorus chemical industry which has certain environmental hazards. Using it as a substitute for building materials was thought to alleviate the problems of phosphogypsum pollution and natural mineral consumption. This study tried to develop an environmentally friendly phosphogypsum …

A Precipitation-Adsorption Technique for the Removal of …
Post-treatment data indicates that the residual soluble phosphate and fluoride content is only 0.061 mg/L and 0.856 mg/L respectively which significantly …

Preparing sulfoaluminate cement using phosphogypsum as …
Phosphogypsum (PG) is a solid waste generated during the wet process of phosphoric acid, the utilization of which is hindered by impurities. Herein, natural gypsum and limestone were replaced by PG as the only source of CaO for the production of sulfoaluminate cement (SAC). The effects of fluoride impurities such as NaF, CaF 2, …

Highly efficient recovery of phosphate and fluoride from …
Phosphogypsum, a typical by-product in the phosphorus chemical industry, could generate a large amount of leachate containing phosphate and fluoride in the …

Control of Fluoride Pollution in Cemented Phosphogypsum …
The soluble fluoride content in backfill was measured in accordance with the Chinese standard HJ 557-2010. The concentration of soluble fluoride in the bleeding water of backfill slurry and the backfill leachate after the toxicity leaching test was determined by a fluorine ion-selective electrode (Mettler Toledo, Zürich, Switzerland), and the ...

The effect of phosphogypsum as the mineral feed additive …
The authors found the mean value of the S/C index increased from 19.6 to 41.3 along following increased phosphogypsum supplementation in the laying hen diet.

Phosphogypsum | US EPA
Phosphogypsum contains radium, which decays to form radon gas. Both radium and radon are radioactive and can cause cancer. The Clean Air Act regulations require that phosphogypsum be managed in engineered stacks to limit public exposure from emissions of radon. Phosphogypsum can be removed from these engineered …

Preparation of Calcium Fluoride using Phosphogypsum by …
The conversion of calcium sulfate to calcium fluoride in acidic medium was reported using phosphogypsum as a source of CaSO 4 . The reaction was successfully achieved using reagents such as HF ...

Control of Fluoride Pollution in Cemented …
Using phosphogypsum (PG) as the aggregate of cemented backfill is an economical and effective method of PG utilization. However, the stability and performance of cemented backfill are …

The effect of phosphogypsum as the mineral feed additive …
The control diet I which was not supplemented with phosphogypsum, contained fluorine of biological origin, at the level of 72. mg F/kg.. Diet II, supplemented with 1% phosphogypsum contained 123 mg F/kg and diet III contained 225 mg F/kg.The level of available calcium and phosphorus was similar in all three diets and was 3.75% Ca …
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