disadvantages of phosphogypsum building materials in Oman

Phosphogypsum | US EPA

Phosphogypsum contains radium, which decays to form radon gas. Both radium and radon are radioactive and can cause cancer. The Clean Air Act regulations require that phosphogypsum be managed in engineered stacks to limit public exposure from emissions of radon. Phosphogypsum can be removed from these engineered …

Phosphogypsum-based building materials: Resource …

1. Introduction. Phosphogypsum (PG) is among the by-products emitted by the phosphorus chemistry industry. About 5 tons of PG are emitted for each ton of phosphoric acid produced [1, 2], and its reaction is shown in Eq (1).About 300 million …

The treatment of phosphogypsum with zeolite to use it in binding material

The main disadvantage of phosphogypsum binder is the need in neutralization of harmful admixtures, aggregation of PG particles during grinding and high water demand. ... Both nuclides (226Ra and 210Po) were found to be concentrated in the finest-grained materials of phosphogypsum. The investigated radionuclide concentration values in PG ...

Advantages and disadvantages of using …

The natural radioactivity. level in the waste-phosphogypsum could be a. restriction for its use as building material, but this. drawback could be avoided controlling its percentage. in the …

Application of MICP in Water Stability and Hydraulic Erosion …

Phosphogypsum is a kind of solid waste that occupies land resources and harms the environment. It can be used as a solidified material, but the utilization of phosphogypsum is limited by its impurities and weak strength performance. This study aimed to use microbial-induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) to improve the water …

The Development of a New Phosphogypsum-Based Construction Material…

Phosphogypsum (PG) is a waste (or by-product) of the production of phosphoric acid, a basic constituent in the manufacturing of modern fertilizers. The annual production of phosphogypsum in Tunisia is currently estimated to be 10 million tons. Its storage in slag in close proximity to production plants generates pollution problems; …

The using of waste phosphogypsum and natural gypsum …

In this research waste phosphogypsum (PG) and natural gypsum were used as stabilization material to improve the properties of adobe soil and to reduce its disadvantages at least partially. The compressive and flexural strength, softening in water, drying shrinkage and unit weight values were determined on adobe samples.

Research Progress on Resource Utilization of Phosphogypsum

The impurities in phosphogypsum and its harm to the environment were introduced, and the advantages and disadvantages of the widely used pretreatment methods were analyzed in this paper. The application of phosphogypsum in the fields of cement retarder, building materials, agriculture, the production of sulfuric acid co …


1st Spanish National Conference on Advances in Materials Recycling and Eco – Energy Madrid, 12-13 November 2009 S03-4 83 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF USING PHOSPHOGYPSUM AS BUILDING MATERIAL.

Properties, Purification, and Applications of Phosphogypsum…

Phosphogypsum (PG) is a by-product produced during the wet process of phosphoric acid (H3PO4) production from natural phosphate rocks. Approximately 4–6 tons of PG is produced per ton of phosphoric acid production, where worldwide PG generation exceeds 300 million tons annually. The vast majority of produced PG is discarded …

The Impurity Removal and Comprehensive …

Phosphogypsum (PG), a byproduct during the phosphoric acid production process, also known as the wet process, contains complex and diverse impurities, resulting in low utilization and considerable …

Phosphogypsum as a construction material

Phosphogypsum (PG) is a by-product generated from the phosphorus fertilizer industry (phosphoric acid production). PG is similar to natural gypsum, but there are some differences, of which it contains some impurities such as water-soluble phosphate (P 2 O 5), water-soluble fluoride (F −) and P 2 O 5 substituted in the gypsum crystal …


1st Spanish National Conference on Advances in Materials Recycling and Eco – Energy Madrid, 12-13 November 2009 S03-4 83 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF USING PHOSPHOGYPSUM AS BUILDING MATERIAL. RADIOLOGICAL ASPECTS C. Gascó1, A.Alvarez1, N.Navarro1, L. Yagüe1, H.Tayibi2, F.A.López2, A. López-Delgado2 …

Advantages and disadvantages of using phosphogypsum as building …

The natural radioactivity level in the waste-phosphogypsum could be a restriction for its use as building material, but this drawback could be avoided controlling its percentage in the cement preparation and the natural radioactivity level of the other raw materials used in its production, in addition to the calculation of the Ra-equivalent ...