Legislation to End the Puppy Mill Pipeline
Governor Kathy Hochul's recent signing of legislation, known as S.1130/A.4283, marks a significant step towards combating the issue of puppy mills and animal mistreatment in New York.The new law prohibits the sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits at retail pet stores, a move aimed at ensuring the welfare and humane treatment of …

Indiana puppy-mill bill draws debate from animal welfare …
House Bill 1412, authored by Rep. Beau Baird, R-Greencastle, would implement statewide regulations for commercial dog breeders, brokers and retail pet stores, including random annual inspections by the Indiana Board of Animal Health beginning July 1, 2025. Pet stores would also have to maintain records demonstrating where the store …

NY State Senate Bill 2021-S1130
BILL NUMBER: S1130 SPONSOR: GIANARIS TITLE OF BILL: An act to amend the agriculture and markets law and the general business law, in relation to the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits PURPOSE: SUMMARY OF PROVISIONS: Section 1 amends subdivision 48 of section 16 of the agriculture and markets law to provide training materials in …

Mills moves to update yellow flag law, expand gun sale …
Mills spoke about the legislation during her State of the State address, saying her proposals would enhance public safety while respecting the right to bear arms and Maine's strong traditions of ...

OH "Petland Bill" Takes Aim at Anti-Puppy Mill Laws
Paws Down! To Petland and Ohio Senator Bob Peterson (R) for advancing state legislation that would take away a community's right to pass anti-puppy mill ordinances.. According to a recent news article, a new bill in Ohio aims to stop communities from passing ordinances that keep puppy-mill-bred puppies out of pet stores. Being …

Maine governor seeks to navigate treacherous terrain of gun …
Gun legislation proposals mark a shift for Mills spurred by ton mass shooting Gov. Mills proposes expanding background checks, strengthening gun laws after ton mass shooting Comments are ...

As New Jersey legislators move to stop the puppy mill-to …
TRENTON, New Jersey—State Senators Brian Stack, D-Hudson, and Raj Mukherji, D-Jersey City, and Assemblywomen Shama A. Haider, D-Englewood, and Luanne M. Peterpaul, D-Asbury Park, have introduced legislation that will prohibit the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits in pet shops, effectively cutting off the cruel puppy mill-to-pet store …

New York Lawmakers Pass Groundbreaking Bill to End the …
NEW YORK, June 3, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, animal welfare groups commended the New York State Legislature for passing the Puppy Mill Pipeline Bill, groundbreaking legislation that will end the ...

Mill is one of the few political philosophers in modern times to have held national political office, and the only one to have won a legislative seat after publishing …

| The Battle to end PA Puppy Mills
The retail pet sales bill, which recently passed the Senate Judiciary Committee, is a perfect book end ten years out from the passage of the puppy mill bill. Legislation to halt the sale of commercially-bred …

Senate Strengthens Animal Protections, Bans "Puppy Mill" Sales
In its continued advocacy for animal welfare, the New York State Senate passed new legislation to curb animal abuse and mistreatment of domestic animals throughout the state and encourage humane treatment.The legislation establishes a ban on the sale of puppy mill animals. It also strongly defines the crime of aggravated …

Mills advances legislation on gun safety, mental health
Gov. Janet Mills speaks during a news conference in the aftermath of a mass shooting, in ton, Maine, Friday, Oct. 27, 2023. The governor on Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2024, announced new legislation to strengthen gun laws and mental health services (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

Missouri Puppy Mill Law Passed
Nearly 1 million Missouri voters voted to approve the Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act, also known as Proposition B, a statewide ballot initiative to establish basic standards for the care of ...

Mill's Theory of Morally Correct Action
Summary. This chapter contains section titled: Introduction. Mill as an Act-Utilitarian. Mill as a Rule-Utilitarian. Moral Rules, Justice, and Supererogation.

Mill's Considerations on Representative Government
In his 1861 Considerations on Representative Government, Mill sketched three conditions of readiness. First, he wrote, there is no point in thrusting self-governance on a people …

8 Liberal principles refined | Mill's Progressive Principles
Mill's conception of harm is complex. It can and should be moralized, but only in ways that preserve its explanatory role. Though there is a presumption against …

Pennsylvania puppy mill law: State forces breeders to work
Harrisburg, Pa. — Pennsylvania legislators passed a controversial law aimed at improving conditions for dogs in so-called puppy mills. After years of wrangling, the measure cruised through the state House by a vote of 183-7 and the Senate 49-1. Gov. Ed Rendell, who pushed for the bill for two years, signed it into law Oct. 9.

What Are Puppy Mills? — The Woof
The primary goal of puppy mills is to produce as many puppies as possible for sale, often to pet stores, online retailers, or directly to consumers. 90% of all pet store puppies are from puppy mills. Approximately 2.5 million puppies are born in these conditions annually and more than 400,000 breeding stock dogs are kept.

Puppy Mill Legislation
PUPPY MILL LEGISLATION . DECEMBER 15, 2022 - NEW YORK STATE PASSES PUPPY MILL BILL ... October 13, 2017 - California Bans the Sale of Mill Animals in Pet Stores. Governor Jerry Brown signed California A.B. 485: the Pet Rescue and Adoption Act into law, banning the retail sale of commercially bred dogs, cats, and rabbits in pet …

Puppy Mill Laws and Legislation
Because puppy mills are legal, and laws take time to pass, we believe that educating the public is the fastest way to end puppy mill cruelty. We support legislation and laws that ban the sale of puppies in pet stores and laws that improve the standards of care of dogs living in USDA licensed kennels. Because these large scale breeders are legal ...

Janet Mills Approves Expansion of Background Checks
Maine Gov. Janet Mills on Friday signed into law her proposed legislation to expand background checks to advertised firearm sales and strengthen the states "yellow flag" law. [RELATED: Pat's Day: Maine Dems Mark Anniversary of American War for Independence by Voting for Gun Control…] The bill, LD 2224, entitled "An Act to …

Mill on Justice and Rights
Mill's conception of justice involves honoring individual rights. Our most important rights are to basic liberties, rather than liberty per se, and to conditions …

Pritzker signs bill banning puppy mills in Illinois
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WREX) — Illinois will no longer be home so-called "puppy mills" after Governor JB Pritzker signed a piece of legislation into law on Friday. A puppy mill is a large-scale, for ...

State house legislation takes aim at puppy mills through pet …
Cracking down on puppy mills by cutting off the supply chain. That's the plan as Massachusetts lawmakers look to ban the sale of puppies, kittens, and rabbits in retail stores. ... Sen. O'Connor's legislation was up for discussion Monday at the statehouse. It says, "a pet shop may not sell, deliver, offer for sale, barter, auction or ...

Gov. Janet Mills signs off on new gun laws
AUGUSTA, Maine — Democratic Gov. Janet Mills on Friday signed into law a suite of gun safety legislation approved by lawmakers after the deadliest mass shooting in state history, expanding background checks for private sales of weapons, bolstering the state's "yellow flag" law, criminalizing the transfer of guns to prohibited people and …

John Stuart Mill and Say's "Law of Markets"
John Stuart Mill had already suggested the answers in his restatement and refinement of Say's Law of Markets. In his essay, "Of the Influence of Consumption on …

Contentious pet store, 'puppy mill' bill reemerges at the …
Lawmakers said at the time they had too little time to address "too many issues" with the contentious legislation. Many who spoke out about the previous proposal returned to testify on Monday. Up for debate is House Bill 1412, authored by Rep. Beau Baird, R-Greencastle. The bill passed out of the House agriculture committee in a 9-4 …

Bill to ban puppy and kitten sales from pet stores on hold
Puppy mill legislation dies over concerns for pet stores. Pet store owners said that drastically amending the operations of licensed, taxpaying, small businesses would only drive up the prices of pets and steer determined customers to unlicensed and out-of-state suppliers, decreasing both the quality and quantity of pets. ...

Michigan lawmaker introduces Puppy Protection Bill
The Puppy Protection Bill, introduced by Rep. Penelope Tsernoglou, aims to end the puppy mill-to-pet store pipeline, driving the "pet market in Michigan toward more humane sources, like shelters ...

Ban Puppy Mills in New Jersey
There are 3 things you can do today to advocate to put a stop to puppy mills. The effort to ban puppy mills is a push to revise the "Pet Purchase Protection Act," signed into law in 2015, to prohibit the retail sale of animals from puppy mills. Legislation would require pet stores to disclose the origins of the dogs and cats they sell, and would bar animal rescue …
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