Novorossiysk Grain Plant, JSC
Novorossiysk Grain Plant, JSC (NGP) is a high-tech port transshipment complex that includes two elevators and a complex of port facilities. The total storage capacity of the enterprise is 300 thousand tonnes; the depths at the mooring wall allow processing DW vessels up to 72 thousand tonnes. ... Saratov region; Oryol region; Samara region ...

Aktsionerne tovarystvo "Saratovskyi ahrehatnyi zavod"
Aktsionerne tovarystvo "Saratovskyi ahrehatnyi zavod". Aktsionerne tovarystvo "Saratovskyi ahrehatnyi zavod" is subject to sanctions. See the individual …

Balakovo Branch of Apatit
A key investment project to ensure that Apatit JSC has sufficient raw materials was completed: the overhaul of one of the SK-20 sulphuric acid plants, increasing its capacity by 40%. Once its design capacity is reached, the site will be able to produce up to 3 million tonnes of monohydrate per year. Major investment projects underway:

Ukraine approves a new set of sanctions against the Russian …
Machine-building enterprises: LLC Plant of Electric Aggregate Engineering "SEPOZEM" of JSC "Saratov Electric Aggregate Production Association", JSC …

Saratov Bearing Plant
Saratov Bearing Plant JSC. Parent Organization ... Find more companies like Saratov Bearing Plant. Use the Golden Query Tool to find similar companies in the same industry, location, or by any other field in the Knowledge Graph. Open Query Tool. Access by API. Company. Home;

9P122 | Weaponsystems.net
9P133. The 9P133 is an improved version of the 9P122 that uses SACLOS guidance for its 9M14P anti-tank missiles.

High Precision Systems
High Precision Systems (Rusia: Высокоточные комплексы, translit. Vysokotochnye Kompleksy) adalah perusahaan holding dalam kelompok Rostec milik negara Rusia yang terlibat dalam kompleks industri pertahanan.. Perusahaan ini berfokus pada sistem presisi tinggi dan senjata untuk zona taktis tempur. Ini menerapkan siklus produksi senjata dan …

5 Russian Bearing Plants will probably survive …
JSC "Kursk Bearing Company" 5. Rostov-on-Don. Of "The Tenth Bearing Plant" 6. Volga. OAO "Volga Bearing Plant" and a branch of JSC "Aviation Bearings Plant" (included in the composition of …

JSC Nizhnelomovsky Electromechanical Plant ; JSC United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) United Heavy Machinery Plants (OMZ) JSC PO Sevmash ; NIIDAR-Resonance Research and Production Center ; S.P.Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation "Energia" Rosvertol PLC (Rostov Helicopter Production Complex) RusPromAvto PLC ; Saratov Aviation …

Saratov Hydroelectric Power Station [1, 2]. Currently, highly flowable concrete mixtures are used both for repair work and for the construction of new hydrau-lic structures. For example, a lightweight highly flowable concrete mixture developed by JSC V. E. Vedeneev VNIIG together with the Branch of JSC Hydroproject Institute —

Balakovo Steel Factory
It is located in the city of Balakovo, Saratov region (Russia). Documents; News. Scroll down. 2008. 2008 Year of incorporation: factory cornerstone ceremony. 2013. First ton of long products. 2014. First ton of steel. 2015. First million tons of processed scrap metal. 2016. First million tons of steel and long products. 2019. Corporate

Tractor plants (KTZ MIG)
JSC Transmashholding"" (TMH) completed the sale of the Transmash plant, located in the city of Engels, Saratov region to the concern Tractor plants"." This became known on July 12, 2024. This became known on July 12, 2024.

History of the plant | PJSC «Dnepropetrovsk Aggregate Plant»
On April 30 th, 1966 the factory was assigned the designation 'Dnepropetrovsk Aggregate Plant'. The product range was further refined: ... In the framework of the state program JSC 'DAP' manufactures the longwall set of units for mechanized lining support 1КД99, which was eventually launched into operation at Geroev Kosmosa Mine (DTEK ...

Rusagro: Subsidaries
Rusagro-Saratov, LLC . The plant was founded in 1953. Its capacity is 450 thousand tons of industry food fats per year, 41 thousand tons of mayonnaise per year. The product range includes more than 200 items. Industry food fats under the Solpro brand are the company's signature products. Address: 112a 50 Let Oktyabrya Ave., Saratov, 410065.

Saratov Aviation Plant
Saratov Aviation Plant. Saratovskiy Aviatsionnyy Zavod Ulitsa Ordzhonikidze 410015, Saratov, Russia Telephone: (011-7-8452) 44-46-20 Fax: (011-7-8452) 44-36-07 Telex: N/A; Teletype: 241110 FREZA

Region statistics
Saratov HPP It is a major energy facility in the region with an annual production of more than 5.67 billion kWh Energy cluster It is one of the largest in Russia, consists of the Saratov hydroelectric power station, CHPP-4, Balakovo nuclear power plant, Balakovo branch of Apatit JSC Balakovo NPP Provides a fifth of electricity production in the Volga …

United States sanctions Russian oil and gas sector
MOSCOW. Dec 12 (Interfax) - The United States has imposed sanctions on Russian engineering companies specializing in oil and gas processing technologies. OFAC, the …

saratov agrégat plante jsc
JSC «Saratov Aggregate Plant» team is «The Best Machine Builder of the Saratov Region 2018» contest winner. The Regional Government held «The Best Machine Builder of the Saratov Region 2018» third open competition closing ceremony, which summed up three-day competition of the defense industry's educationa 27 April 2018.

Aktsionernoe Obshchestvo Saratovski Radiopribornyi Zavod
JSC Saratov Radio Instrument Plant is one of the leading enterprises in the production of modern surface situation illumination and target designation systems for the Russian Navy. The plant is part of the Granit-Electron Concern, which in 2018 became part of the Tactical Missile Armament Corporation.

Aktsionernoe Obshchestvo Saratovski Radiopribornyi Zavod
Therefore, JSC Saratov Radio Instrument Plant is supporting materially actions which undermine and threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. JSC Saratov Radio Instrument Plant is also associated with Tactical Missiles Corporation Joint Stock Company. — Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes, 2024-03-01

Portable anti-aircraft missile system 9K333 "Verba"
"Gibka-S" is the result of cooperation between companies-smiths headed by JSC "SPC" Heavy Machine Building Design Bureau. The developers include JSC SPE "Rubin" …

High Precision Systems
Saratov aggregate plant; Serpukhov factory Metallist; Central Research Institute for Automation and Hydraulics; SKB Turbine; Degtyarev plant; Kovrov Electromechanical Plant; Tula Cartridge Plant; JSC Rotor; JSC Nytva; Tulamashzavod; Interim General Director — Ryazantsev Oleg Nikolaevich

JSC EPK Volzhsky
JSC EPK Saratov Design and ... Plant joined to holding company JSC EPK: 1980 – 2003 ... Through-type aggregate for annealing the blanks. of bearing rings A/SP-1200 "Elterma" ...

KOLONTAEV Roman Vyacheslavovich
director of JSC "SARATOV AGGREGATE PLANT" 6455053670 · директор АО "САРАТОВСКИЙ АГРЕГАТНЫЙ ЗАВОД" 6455053670: Source link: …

Агрегатный--| Reverso Context
Reverso Context: Агрегатный индекс цен на продовольствие достиг своего пикового показателя в июне 2008 года, однако после этого неуклонно снижался.,-"Агрегатный"

123 Aircraft Repair Plant, Joint-Stock Company ( 123 ARP JSC) Staraya Russa, the Novgorod region 2 308 Aircraft Repair Plant, Joint-Stock Company (308 ARP JSC) …

SSE Engineering JSC Project Reference List
Dispensary, Saratov Extended banking support of the contract for the Object: "Construction of a Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary, Saratov " 2020-2021 Apatit JSC Balakovo branch extension of Apatit JSC Development of technical solutions for the implementation of the invest-ment project "Balakovo branch extension of Apatit JSC up to 2025"

How To Design Aggregate Making Plant | M&C
We suggest 5 factors to consider when designing a aggregate making plant: 1. Make waste-free output possible. To ensure that each size of the materials can be produced in accordance with demand, the extra size material can be made sand at any time, improve the efficiency of resource utilization. 2. Reasonable process flow

Aktsionernoe Obshchestvo Saratovski Radiopribornyi Zavod
JSC Saratov Radio Instrument Plant is also associated with Tactical Missiles Corporation Joint Stock Company. — Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes, 2024-03-01. JSC Saratov Radio Instrument Plant is one of the leading enterprises in the production of modern surface situation illumination and target designation systems for the Russian Navy.

агрегатный завод
«Saratov Aggregate Plant» Associations of Ministry of Defense Industry of the USSR ... On December 28, 2019, the team of JSC "Smorgon aggregate plant" took part in the district parade-March of Santa Claus and snow Maidens in the framework of events dedicated to the celebration of the New year-2020.
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